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Everything posted by mavic

  1. :P Wow jonny that was truly an amazing vid!!!. Timbos section and johns was sick and jonny thanks for having some good music in there two. :P Nick hobs and james you two are legends :- ( that drop you did james was massive :D :D :P ). i wanna go ride now i love you all lots p.s thanks for putting me in it jonny for like a second :D :P :P . ecodan.
  2. Jonny its past my bed time,I will have a proper look and get the vid tomo hun (Y) . had a quik look and site looks lush. night night boys. ecodan.
  3. Thanks for letting me know (Y) . Rip deeej.
  4. mavic

    Biff Video 2!

    yes biff :rolleyes: !!!. minto vid boyo keep it up .
  5. I will be there to get abused like last year :rolleyes:" . love you all.
  6. Graig and Neil is wicked they deserve that :) . some sick stuff is gonna go down boys. cant wait . ecodan. :P B) .
  7. Were is that vid??? i have not seen it. found it on trials-shack.
  8. I have also had this back problem, its a very sharp pain down one side of your back maybe even in the sholder area as well (Y) . It seem to be fine now since i have built up my musels a bit, but when i did have it i could also not turn or walk with out this pain my mum said i kept pulling the musels in my lower back area after a weeks rest it was fine again. hope it gets better man :P .
  9. mavic

    Engage 4

    Mate im updating my cedecs i will reply back if it works.
  10. Thanks hunis i have downloaded it :P .
  11. mavic

    My New Vid

    :( .Downloading now edit when done. :P :P :P that is some of the smooothist riding i have ever seen!!!. that was amazing mate p.s what frames that :"> . wicked man :) .
  12. mavic

    Engage 4

    (Y) James that vid is amazing man keep them coming ecodan.
  13. Its on trials-shack mate (Y) .
  14. (Y) . There is no point in fighting Monster j .
  15. Did i hear real instruments :( . man i just dont understand the rapping part (Y) . thanks for tying but im still not persuaded.
  16. Ok wait a min. My computer is having draw back syndrome from clicking on hip hop related links.
  17. Man im sorry i had a listern to er i think it was " selling live water" by "sole" it started of ok i was like mmm ok :( then it just started the old rapping again like every other song i have heard related to rap (Y) . i was listerning to the lyrics i admit some were truthfull about what life and things in life are about ect. but again the old "gangstar" references :( . so i had to turn the bom bom bom bom bom bom off. you probably wanna give me a slap.
  18. Danny I know you posted "You Win" but if you listened to "Makeshift Patriot" by Sage Francis, you will realise its not all about guns, ho's and bling. ←
  19. I seem to like snow patrol (Y) .
  20. To me hip hop how ever its by sound EXACTLY the same every song ( dont say "emo" or hardcore or what ever sounds the same please (Y) ) my music is full of killer breakdowns riths that just blow u away :( ect. man im losing this battle i think so i will not try fight anymore you win .
  21. Not at all (Y). Its reall music played on real instruments with meaning yer some of it is a bit,right lets go cut are selfs, but i still understand the meaning behind the music , u ever seen the passion they play there music its amazing seeing it live, makes the haires stand up on the back of your neck. Then u get some hip hop/rap "gig" ( if you want to call it that) were you get some "gangstar" with his arm in the air boping and the crowd staring at him ( bla bla u no what im getting at) THIS IS MY OPINION i just don t get that music . (A nother post that may not makes sence to people). ecodan.
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