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Everything posted by mavic

  1. Bit of trials heaven there lads nice.
  2. mavic

    Video 5

    Nice, u seriously could go bigger and further u seem to have a lot of power.
  3. That was seriously bloody good you have improved since your last vid, keep that up man .
  4. heard about this years back seriously, looks inspiring stuff.
  5. Willy was out for that, amazing .
  6. Well now, that was a delight to the eyes, im going riding .
  7. Looked like a nice little ride that .
  8. mavic

    Cologne Vid

    Nearly had the willy out for that one . beautiful .
  9. Finally got it off u over msn, brilliant vid man your best soo far, editing was much better than last , see u on a ride soon mate .
  10. mavic

    Joe Baxter

    Really enjoyed watching that well done man .
  11. mavic


    Thats it im off riding who cares about editing that was just a good all round bit of fun, the first line was a beast i wanna try ha! well done Dan x.
  12. mavic

    Gongcang Cao

    Hahah! coool yer hes got some moves .
  13. Nice topic... I do prefer summer to be honest mainly because its hot and loverly and you can go swim in lakes and stuff haha. but on the other hand cold winer days riding are somtimes the best someone pulls some massive line gets everyone hyped, starting early if you can be arsed and going in ealry getting the best of the light. When it rains we got myspace and trials-forum and waiting for the next sick winer vid to come out. And are girls to cuddle up to . Dan . x
  14. That is pure art, loverly photos there seriously.
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