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1337 Trials

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Everything posted by 1337 Trials

  1. Not hard but tiring. I find it hard to backhop up stuff and keep the front wheel in the air to keep backhoping
  2. Ok. im gona see how good the hope mini mono is first if that sux ile get the avid bb7 as it is less confusing to fix and wont need rebleeding
  3. what do you think of coust pads on a light grinded rim done with a stanely knife??? THANK-YOU
  4. The funny thing is i find it hard to backhop and kick then do afew on the spot because i drop my front wheel so easy
  5. Cool. Maybe some more off other tricks. Not so keen on the joggers of ur friend
  6. imallready have the hope mono mini though
  7. The thing is ive heard avid bb7 are ace,but cuz i have hope mono mini i want to stay with that for now cuz its cheaper
  8. yo, WHat disc brakes do you people have on your trials bikes, i just wana see whats most common because im think off buying a disc hold wheel and puttin my hope mono mini onto my trials bike ??
  9. I have a hope mono mini on my saracen so what im gona do is put on my trials bike(Da bomb pro team magura). Ive heard there really good on trials bikes. TRUE?FAULSE?
  10. yoyoyo. I need help on what wheel to buy for the front that has a hub to fit a 6 bolt disc(hope mono mini)
  11. Yo. Whats the best stem for a 20" trials bike???
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