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1337 Trials

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Everything posted by 1337 Trials

  1. I get a sore hand after 6+ hours of riding but my fingers are usually ok.Also I have hard skin just nelow my fingers
  2. Hello. How would you take the black cirlce thing of from round the freewheel ??? da bomb pro TM
  3. I only have a da-bomb team magura and im not really that good only done 2-3 feet drops so far.So I probs don't need a chriss king YET
  4. Ile go order one from my local bike shop tomoro morning then cuz he shuts half day on a wednesday
  5. what u think of the hope xc also ??? Ive allways wanted it but some people hack nocked it and some people like it
  6. Its for the front. WHat u think of the shinamo deore ,people say its cheap and good enough
  7. yo, what is the best hub for a mod trials bike.Im gona order one and put my hope mono mini from my saracen onto my trials bike ,please reply fast.... Thanks
  8. Welldone man.I have al ex rim and its alittle buckled but its ok for now
  9. Can have you have a resnoble brake with just echo booster light grind and coust pads???
  10. Well i probs prefer longer . I did have a t-bird the one with bits off green on it. But now i have a da bomb pro team magura and its quite short
  11. thanks for your help peoppe Its just better to get some peoples opinions because it narrows it down and gives me alittle better idea
  12. What is your favourite 20" frame and what is best ??? Because im gona buy a new frame
  13. Thats what is called a good drawing,WELLDONE
  14. I was thinking ofm buying a disc wheel and put my hope mono mini on it from my saracen mtb while i save for the avid bb7 but as im learning i dont think it will be such a great idea. And i have a mod da bomb pro team magura
  15. Well i cant trust my rear brake much but my coust pads are gona be here today all according to plan, so hopefuly i will be able to trust it then
  16. Im 5ft 8 and the da bomb is alittle small but im getin used to it
  17. they say a good disc is 7' 8' mine is only 6' 1/4
  18. yoyoyo, I was looking for some riders that can com to Shropshire in the west midlands to ride . ANy think they can travel to ride with me
  19. I nearly got one off them but i thought it would be harder because its a 26 " and it only had hs 11
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