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1337 Trials

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Everything posted by 1337 Trials

  1. the one that comes with the t-bird i think but in crome. ~Matty ignore that please. Sorry, I thought it was my thread about stems ~Matty
  2. Well the area I live in sucks but about 20 miles is a town called "Shrewsbury" that is good to ride there ~Matty
  3. Hey people, I aint posted on here in ages. Anyway im in need of a new stem because I have a onza one that will only fit onza bar (due to the middle size onza have made 28mm). What stem would be best??? 1. Try-all 31.8mm Clamp http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=328 2. Echo Hifi http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=327 P.s. the stem is for the echo tough bars. ~Matty
  4. yo, how you like youe hope xc hub??? I was thinking off gettin one with a echo rim mayb (drilled) and a avid bb7, what you people think of this setup??? ~matty
  5. AWSOME! Get trials known more ~matty
  6. haha, nice idea. I want my bike sprayed,hehe. ~matty
  7. Dude, that looks good like that, I would leave it like that. P.s. Others may think different. ~matty
  8. Hmm, good thread, ive always wonderd this. My mate was going to quit because it is to expensive for him but I know what he means ~matty
  9. Onza one that is like t-bird/t-mag MY stem is oversized cuz I brought new stem and then bars because the bars for the stem because the old bars were to small for the new stem so that means the stem is oversized ~Matty
  10. yo. I just got some echo tough bars wityh a oversized stem and there to big ~Matty
  11. Hello, welcome to trials-forum, hope you have a good time and learn lots. ~Matty
  12. Nice little video there you made.Welldone ~matty
  13. Nice. Helmet??? P.s. are you one of those who thinking nothing will happen till it does? I did,lol ~Matty
  14. Yeah, I was shocked when I heard about this. R.I.P Steve
  15. I love the bike P.s. people have there own opinions on different bikes. Goodluck on buying one ~Matty
  16. Good choice on spraying the bike black, looks alot better. I was thinking off spraying my grey'ish color da bomb pro tm black but it will be a pain in the ass spraying it ~Matty
  17. Da bomb pro Tm , wooohooo. Hehe. Arn't da bomb pro tm's the same as onza t-pro??? p.s. I was looking at other riders bikes when I was on a ride and there are 2 of us with onza' and 2 of us with da bomb's and the da bomb school has same frame as onza t-bird and the onza t-pro has same frame as da bomb pro tm but with a different sticker on it (Name). ~Matty
  18. Thanks for this post. I was wondering what all that was about "26" mod " when I was ordering my echo tough bars and decided to get updated on the site ~Matty
  19. Arnt longer frames also better for balance??? Sorry if im wrong I thought I heard it somewere
  20. ok.thanks.Do you have to take the crank of to tighten it?
  21. If I tighten it how long will it last before it goes loose again ????
  22. Isn't that on about taking it apart/loosening it ???
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