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1337 Trials

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Everything posted by 1337 Trials

  1. Nvm, now I find out its not the mini its the old normal hope mini. Then I nearly chose the hope mono trials then found out by the time im good at front wheel moves it will have broke because it be a couple of years. So ile stick with the good old avid bb7 ~Matty
  2. I don't mean to be a idiot but don't you think you should have asked this before you ordered it? Hehe. Anyway down to the point they look a decent bike to start on ~Matty
  3. Ahhhh yes, thanks for this thread. I was going to ask about when your old pins comes out doesn't it destroy the thread, so you can't screw new-ones in??? ~matty
  4. Defo magura hs33 for the rear, I LOVE IT Im not sure what front to get but hopefully ile be getting a hope mono mini 185mm rotor for my mod very cheap ~Matty
  5. Well I got echo tough bars with a echo hifi stem and the second I rode with them they felt so nice , gave me so much control. I could even backhop on the spot where as before I couldn't. Ps. Hope you like whatever bars you get ~matty
  6. Yoyoyo. I know a guy who is selling a hope mono mini 185mm for just £40 and im thinking off buying it for my mod trials bike. Do you think it would be ok for a mod trials??? Ps. Its so cheap I can't loose really. ~matty
  7. Edit: Anyway... if I was spending £500 on an Onza, I'd buy the new T-Comp!
  8. Well, I got into trials because I had a bmx (Crap one) and when riding and saw some trials riders and got to know them because they rode in the same place and they went to my school, this is how I got into it Ps. I thought it looked cool
  9. Well for xmas im getting a hope xc hub on the front. If you want my msn addy ile give it you and can give you a low-down ~Matty
  10. Yer, very. I said to my mate "the next person who asks me were my seat is , ile hit them or go mad" and some man sitting on the wall heard me and said "Why aint you got a seat" to wind me up. (He was an old fart so I let him off) ~Matty
  11. How much is all this likely to cost??? ~Matty
  12. I never heard about the strip frame using nitromors or turps. Do you have to do this??? My mates say just sand down and the further tips you have given me after "1". Yes you have helped, thanks mate ~Matty
  13. Nah. Your not the only person. When I started riding my wrists acked (Sorry about spelling gota be quick) but now they have got stronger I guess and don't |Matty
  14. I got some heatsink coust pads. There are very good. I run alittle grind just done with a knife They are a soft pad because ive taken my bike apart to spray it and I cleaned the pads and they feel softer than most pads |Matty When I went from normal magura pads to heatsink coust I was AMAZED I recommend you get some |Matty
  15. Nice man, Very nice man Hope you like it |Matty
  16. Come on people Sorry to be rude but im meant to getting the paint tonight from homebase after school |Matty
  17. Ok.How do I do this??? I confused on what idea to use,lol. Ps. The best way to get a shiny black frame |Matty
  18. Ok. Thanks my fellow "trials dude" ~Matty
  19. Ye, me 2. Me and my mates start the game at the same time and see who gets the furthist, lol. Ps. I think ile go on bike mania 2 right now ~Matty
  20. Hiho people. Ive come to final decision to spray my frame black. Im just checking that I buy the correct stuff when I go to homebase tomoro night to buy the stuff. 1. primer (Grey) 1Can. Spray 2 layers. 2. Propper spray paint (Black) 2 cans Spray 3-5 layers 3. Laquer??? 1 can. Spray 2-3 layers. ~Matty
  21. You guys like arguing don't you? haha ~Matty
  22. Are you the guy who got annoyed because your couldn't get validated??? Well, one tip, you wont get validated that way ~Matty
  23. Hmmmz, maybe because he is a dumb-ass retard?? LOL! ~matty
  24. You like the word "f**k" don't you, lol! ~Matty
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