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1337 Trials

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Everything posted by 1337 Trials

  1. I think he means 210 Ok, ile get a 160mm. Well all depends on my other thread about what to do with my cash:P ~Matty
  2. yoyo! http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=2158 With my xmas cash I was either going to get a disc or a frame. All off a sudden ive started to like that monty in the link above. At the moment my frame is scratched as but looks like a matt silver because I was going to spray but then thought ile buy a new as I want every part good (Own customized bike) COuld you please recomd what would be the best that monty frame, echo lite, or either a hope mono trials (07) or the bb7 Thanks people ~Matty
  3. Nice, yer, my mate has one but had it on for just 1 day. I can't really test it cuz he has his tyres to flat for me, lol. I might buy one with my xmas cash. Not sure if to have 160 or spend an extra £5 and get the 180mm ~Matty
  4. yoyoyo! Im looking to buy a disc with my xmas cash I dunno if to buy the bb7 or the hope trials. Im just wondering what you think of the bb7's and what are the new hope trials like??? ~Matty
  5. I bet this is so confusing for you mate. Dunno which to buy, lol. Anyway, I have heatsink coust pads with a slightly rough rim (not grinded) and there good ~Matty
  6. YO! Whats the hope mini like??? ~Matty
  7. I ride everynight in the summer, its awsome. In the winter only like 3 times maybe abit more At the moment im waiting to get my echo lite frame Im buying it with my xmas cash ~Matty
  8. Looks tidy mate. I don't mean to be harsh but I prefer the old one but the one you have has disc forks so that will save you some cash if you want a disc ~Matty
  9. www.ebay.co.uk Might be worth a check ~Matty
  10. haha! I just wear helmet and gloves. Most people round me just have gloves, some don't even have that. One of my fellow riders has just brought a helmet for xmas Noone thinks then will fall and hit there head, even I didn't till it happened ~MAtty
  11. Sweet, nice find. Thats the one I like with the 2 holes at the top of the tubes Hmmz, depends on how much cash I can get because im getting an xbox 360 off my parents and off my nan £100 and some cash of my grandad for helping him make holly reefs, also little £10 and £5 'ers of people Is the team alot better???? ~Matty
  12. chrome and I dont like the design off the monty frame ~Matty
  13. Lol Well, I never riden a stock one sec , ile have alook at the monty frame but the echo shape is nicer I think also the colour will suit my bike more than the monty ~Matty
  14. I know this is a good frame but I aint to kean on the design of it Yer, ile get the echo lite. I have a da bomb pro tm at the moment so anything is good ~Matty No affense but that is stupid because my bike is a mod AND NO IM NOT GETTING A STOCK AND WASTING MY MOD PARTS ~Matty
  15. I will only have £200 spare cash max ~Matty
  16. So then, what are echo lites like then??? I doubt I will have £300 spare cash after xmas.... ~Matty
  17. What is a magura louise like for trials???? Im thinking , because I prefer the feel of hydrolic. I might buy a magura louise instead of a bb7 and magura louise would probabley be cheaper if you think with the bb7 you need lever/cable nd rotor seperate ~Matty
  18. yo! Im thinking of getting a new frame after xmas , im thinking maybe a echo team or echo lite. What do you think off these two frames??? Btw, im hoping it will go with my bike cuz right now I have a da bomb pro tm frame (greyish colour) with black stem/forks/ wheels/cranks and peduls with red bars and a red hope xc hub soon..... So the main part on the bike being chrome (new frame) should go well I think ~Matty
  19. LOL! I fell off a 1ft wall mate and banged my head and went hospital My finger slipped when I was pedul hopping over a small wall ~Matty
  20. Very nice mate. Simple and clean looking ~Matty
  21. Yo home dogs Im getting the spray to spray my bike black this week and was thinking where can I get the laquer, primer and the actually black spray to spray my frame from??? Localy I have a motor-world, homebase, colour supplies (Used to be house makers) and 20 miles away is a halfords ~Matty
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