My mate just snapped a try-all freewheel but I think I will go with the tensile because its cheaper and for the cranks/BB ile try and buy them off a person second for cheaper P.s. Thanks for advice ~Matty
] Cheers bud, I have tryed hoping to the bad foot (hoping left) but it dont feel right Well I practice on concentrete but its only 3 bricks high I think ile work on pedal ups for now, I feel alot better doing them , lol. Thanks for the help- ~Matty
YO! Has anyone got any tips on how to sidehop because im not sure if to start on the backwheel or what and I have so low confidence and I try to avoid them because I dont like the slip if you just miss the height ~Matty
Yer, I know sucks. By the way you say "cheap and cheerful" so its not so good? Lol. Im hoping someone is selling some of this stuff because it will take me ages to save up for it all but I keep checking the forsale bit. DOn't serpose you could advertise for me there??? ~Matty
I would have thought the monty because isnt the t-comp just for competitions and can be weak if used for normal street use??? Ps. I might be wrong ~Matty
WHAT! Some people start with real good bikes, lol. I guess if you work then I would have But when I first started I didn't know about the decent bikes, lol. ~Matty
Yer, i hope so , im not sure. SO you can't use a tensile Damb, thats sucks. I guess ile have to save abit longer and get the Try-all and I heard try-all is better so it should be worth the wait ~Matty