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1337 Trials

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Everything posted by 1337 Trials

  1. Frame- Echo/Zoo IMO. Brakes- Front Disc/Hs33 rear. ~Matty
  2. Welcome bud You will get loads of help from the people on this forum...... ~Matty
  3. OMFG! £180??? I wanted to spend like £50 max, lol. My mate is selling a SRAM deralier (sorry for spelling) for like £10 and my single speed kit so I might do that. Also he give me cassete. ~Matty
  4. Hiho! Ile keep it short but sweet. LOVELY! ~Matty
  5. Looks mint! I wouldn't mind one. I love low top tubes :) ~Matty
  6. Hiho. I want to get some gears put onto my dirt jumper because I use the bike to get around on alot. I only want rear gears. What would be a good deraliur for the back? (and cassete). Also please tell me which one wont skip or how to stop gears jumping(y) Thanks- ~Matty
  7. Cool cool. I think ile look out for this.... It isn't one off them magazines where its like 20 pages moto trials and then 2 pages off bike trials is it??? Nice thread by the way ~Matty
  8. Me 2, hehe Ps. Loving my new Tensile freewheel ~Matty
  9. Well its personal prefference but for me I would say Hydro as "I" prefer the feel on he lever. ~Matty
  10. Firstly take look in the sales/wanted part of the forum Maybe something like a middle class bike allthought I have seen really good bike there going for £300.... ~Matty
  11. Firstly take look in the sales/wanted part of the forum Maybe something like a middle class bike allthought I have seen really good bike there going for £300.... ~Matty
  12. Yer, same here. Mod-More flickible Stock- More rollable. ~Matty
  13. I got heatsink cousts and there well good bud. BUy them I got abit of a rough rim but when I run water on the rim the rim nd ride with the brakes on then clean the rim they go really awsome. ~Beav
  14. Echo Team . One of my favourite bikes , hehe. ~Matty
  15. 5ft here. I prefer lower but technical stuff rather than high , hehe. ~Matty
  16. I guess wider is better balance and the wider the rim the better looking, hehe. ~Matty
  17. This happened to a mates Da bomb school . Sorry bit pointless post but I thought ide let you know its not you its probabley the bike ,hehe.... ~Matty
  18. Watching other trials riders/videos. Also Just messing about on little stuff then I get into it big time and go for bigger stuff(Big to me, lol). ~Matty
  19. Not being funny but are you trying to ask us if we have broken anything??? ~Matty
  20. Awsome video bud. Enjoyed watching. I bet some practice has gone into that level of riding ~matty
  21. That is so nice. Love discs, no hasle, lol.... ~Matty
  22. 1337 Trials


    I thought you decided to grow up and stop complaining/arguing??? ~Matty
  23. I just found this really weird way to sidehop up things, lol. Firstly I side hopped off a ledge onto my rear wheel (right ,the way I normal hop and im right foot forward) then hop from my rear wheel left and up, lol. It feels mint to do and looks good my mate said Ps. Try It!!! ~Matty
  24. Well my friend has a T-Pro and I have a da bomb pro and the frames are identical but anyway he loves his t-pro and I like my Da bomb pro tm... ~Matty
  25. Wtf I thought Tensile didn't come loose ?? 0.o ~Matty
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