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1337 Trials

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Everything posted by 1337 Trials

  1. haha Sounds like an asbo lyk Ps. Asbo as in a persn who wears one ~Matty
  2. Yup, its ok aslong as when someone asks you to go out or do something like go cinema you don't say "Nah, im riding" all the time, lol. ~Matty
  3. I try to ride every day I need the practice, lol. ~Matty
  4. The discs/rotors are different I think bud also. ~Matty
  5. Hard to believe bud. Unless you have hard pads and a sharp grind ~Matty
  6. Happens to everyone , the worst is when you have a front freewheel I just took them under my heal and they dont get caught up (As if your standing on the back off your trousers). Some mates took theres into there socks but it looks really chavy, lol. ~Matty
  7. onza T-bird. The green and grey one. I seen it go through so many people round my area, lol. ~Matty
  8. I swapped my front hs33 for a hope mono trials and im glad I did. The hope mono trials holds alot better and feels nicer :) ~Matty
  9. Zoo Python are very popular but I have not heard one bad thing about them ~Matty
  10. Hope mono trials, and I love it Such awsome bite and hold. ~Matty
  11. Welcome bud . Ile try my best to help you out if you need help but its probabley the other way round, lol. ~Matty
  12. Haha! Nice idea, never thought of that. Goodluck with it ~Matty
  13. I would say black bud . Goes with most colours if not all. I would say white but shows dirt up very easy. ~Matty
  14. Looked good and really really fun. Also the fact you can do anything anywhere really. ~Matty
  15. I second that I love my hope mono trials ~Matty
  16. Awsome picture bud Love every bike, hehe. Wish there were as many riders as that round me. Theres only about 5 maybe 6 round me :( ~Matty
  17. When it rains I usually go ride/do some flat land under a shelter and hope its just showers then go ride walls etc when the rain goes Weather been bad round here (Shropshire) lately :( ~Matty
  18. I can't see your pictures hehe ~Matty
  19. I most worry about the back break slipping or my finger slipping of the lever like it did once and ended up bad, so I wear a helmet now ~Matty
  20. Im doing my GCSE's now. I havnt done much revision but when I do I will look in my books and do past exam papers probley. Goodluck with your exams ~Matty
  21. I run them on a light grind and its awsome ~Matty
  22. Ebay would be your best bet My mate got the 2005 t-pro off there for just £130. It had been used in 2 competitions, its still going strong now ~Matty
  23. Awsome pictures. Thats one thing I love about trials. You can do something on everything ~Matty
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