I know what you mean bud , I feel like you. Everything has a right to live but like people say they are on this planet for one reason and thats for us to eat.(cows) But I still couldn't kill one. ~Matty
Thats a lovely bike you got there bud. Arnt the bars/stem abit low??? I run that setup and find it really low so im trying to get hold off zoo risers ~Matty
I snapped my chain a few weeks back. Went to kick onto a wall and it snapped hit my knee on the stem full blast, OUCHY! It hurt so bad, couldn't walk for abit. ~Matty
Very nice. Looks nice to ride also Only thing I would change would be pedals probabley but I guess you like them and its your bike so there you go. ~Matty
Its that and also the fact that earphones always come out with me , if I wear a beanie and ride around/a few hops etc it helps keep them in but sometimes I give up and ride with no music. 100% pure concentration for you ~Matty
Well it doesn't look like these frames are so good. Maybe because there new but not many people have them Think ile go with a echo lite or something longer than my da bomb pro tm anyway. ~Matty