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1337 Trials

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Everything posted by 1337 Trials

  1. Thing is, i have a girl and we are deadly serious. We engaged but not getting married till we 19 or so. She had to move to sterling with her nan cuz only other option was living in the digs down near me but I said its best to go with your nan and we can save for a flat so in a year or so time we can move in. Im in shropshire a moment and shes in Sterling, scotland
  2. Helloooo!!! Im looking for a bash ring that will cover the old bash guard mounts aswell. I like the echo bash ring but im thinking will it cover and protect my old bash guard mounts??? Thanks-
  3. nice one people. I think ile try and save 75% and spend 25%. As £20 a week is enough dont you think to spend. Thanks for replys-
  4. Love it man. Awsome colour scheme.
  5. Nice bike man. Very tidy looking bike.
  6. hehe, oki. I just gota buy a echo bash ring because my bash guard snapped and I think bash ring looks cleaner and tidier and I need a new seal kit for my hope trials cuz I felt off and hit resvoir and by the end off the day there was no fluid left Thanks for the replys-
  7. Yup yup. Thing is I will be getting £50 a week so I will put atleast £25 away and spend £25 :) £25 a week to spend I think is quite good (im only 16). Should feed my biking hobby :P I used to have to put up with £10 a week.
  8. 1337 Trials


    yoyo! Im just wondering. Does anyone actually ride and save cash for car/flat??? Im wanting to get back into riding but I have to buy a few new things but I need to save for a car or flat. Does anyone put like say 50% or so of there earnings back for other things apart from riding??? Ps. Just wondering because I want to ride + save cash. -Thanks
  9. Hello. Im looking to go from bashguard to the "Echo 7075 Bashring" but I still have the bottom bash guard mount. Would this chain ring cover it or not??? When I say cover I mean will the Echo 7075 Bashring hit the wall before the bash plate mount??? Thanks for reading- ~Beav
  10. Echo Team and Echo Lite are good bikes. All depends if you want natural or not. Ps. Enjoy whatever bike you ride. -Beav
  11. Nice pictures. Some nice gaps there ~Matty
  12. Street *** But Natty is fun when I can find some decent spots ~Matty
  13. YO! the seals went in my hope mono trials the other day and oil kept leaking out by the lever. I need a new seal kit but not sure which one to buy.http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Categories.aspx?CategoryID=566 Which seal kit do I need for a hope mono trials people??? -Thanks For Reading- ~Matty
  14. My mate had his hope M4 re-bled yesterday and the bike mechanic got the fluid on the rotor. I told him to use the method I just told you and he was amazed ~Matty
  15. Well I put water on my rim then ride around with brakes on and off then clean the rim. (amazed me at first how much dirt came on )Also if you don't want to grind your rim use a sharp knife (I use a stanely knife) and put a line down your rim. (I usually do it every centimeter or so). Hope this helps. ~Matty
  16. This guy is imense. I love every picture I see off him. Such talent ~Matty
  17. Great riding Looks abit slippy also. ~matty
  18. All I can say is someone is a very lucky guy. One of my favourite bikes ~Matty
  19. Really nice man. Maybe a front gold hub then the colour will be well balance . ~matty
  20. Damn sexy bud. Really nice, love it ~Matty
  21. Ok, thanks mate. I ordered a viz stem.. I don't think bars will make that much difference as my stem is stupidly low, lol. ~Matty
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