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1337 Trials

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Everything posted by 1337 Trials

  1. I have echo tough bars with a viz stem. Tis awsome
  2. Enjoyed watching them video's :) Cured some bordem at college.
  3. haha . pogo stick! That is nice mate. I must admit I spend more time on my bike wheel than anything else
  4. Gratz! Nicest Adamant ive ever seen Nice work bud.
  5. That is so sexy. Makes me want to buy a new frame and get 24" wheels and forks and swap the stuff from my 20" over
  6. Thats so sexi man. That bike has come along way since I last saw it
  7. Hellooo. Just thought ide tell everyone I used to ride trials for 2 years then quit as there were only me and my mate who rode. Also my rear lever had snapped but my mate brought a new bike so I was able to use a spare magura hs33 So I got back on the trials bike this weekend and love it ~Beav
  8. They work but I would recomend 160mm. They may hit the floor when your getting around and if you lean in abit to much ~beav
  9. Woohoo. Gratz on starting again bud. I quit for a few months also but now I got back into it I only quit because my lever snapped Im surprised about the tensile because I have one and Its great . ~Beav
  10. Get well soon bud. Nice to see some young riders. Feel sorry for you. Hope you get well soon and be able to get back on your bike Remember allways where your lid
  11. Helloooo. I want to spray my frame white and can someone splease photoshop the shop the frame white for me~??? http://img265.imageshack.us/my.php?image=spa0071if9.jpg Image is abit crappy, I could get better if needed. Thanks-
  12. Sex on wheels bud. Really do like them frames
  13. Oki doke. Im going to keep my alex dx-32 rims as it seems to be solid (touch wood) Im just looking for a Gu/Adamant hub off tartybikes- Any reviews on them???? thanks-
  14. Hellooo. Want seal kit will I need for this style lever??? http://www.kudubikes.co.uk/shop/images/pro...opmonotrial.jpg Thanks-
  15. Thanks but nah, I don't want the monty wheel So what do you people think off the GU fixed hubs or the Adamant fixed hub????
  16. How much are viz hubs??? I would like a hub that I can get in red and rim in black to go with the front. If not ile just buy the hub for £55 and gte my bike mechanic to fit it with my Alex dx-32 rim. Overall I think im best going with just the £55 hub (adamant or GU) because I need to buy a echo bash ring and seal kit for my hope trials.
  17. http://www.trialsman.co.uk/products.asp?cat=36 What is the first wheel like??? I wanted a new hub for my bike but its going to be £55 for hub and £15 to get LBS to build it I may aswell get extra cash and get new rim and spokes because I dont need Local Bikle Store to build it aswell. On the front off my bike I have red hub with a black rim and if I do this ile have black hub and red rim on back. Just wondering if it will look ok, hehe. Ps. Are these wheels any good???? Thanks-
  18. f**kin hell!!!! Out of stock Excuse my language, lol. Waited ages for it and nowitsgone
  19. Hellloooo. I need a new seal it for my hope mono trials. On chainreactioncycles- I can't find one specified for a hope mono trials but im told this one will work. .... http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=2509
  20. Thanks for advice mate Im using a young savers account to save for a few years. Ile be using my EMA to save and next year ile save money from apprentaship.
  21. Yup. Aslong as there the same amount off smoks needed for hub as rim I have a alex dx-32 rim on my front
  22. yup, but im trying not to use it, just incase I slip.I see what you mean bud. Thanks for reply-
  23. Yup but we love each other so much we promised we would wait I will be seeing her quite abit though as she has some family round near me so her Nan will be renting holiday cottages etc :) Wont be to bad. In a way it will do us good as people at a young age get bored of each other but it be a few years before we live together anyway
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