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1337 Trials

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Everything posted by 1337 Trials

  1. Really nice bicycle there man. Dont usually like that Adamant A1 but that is different
  2. Fair play. Nice riding in those pictures. ~Matty
  3. 1337 Trials

    Gu 26"

    Nice bike! Loving the BRA in the backround. lol Lemme test the beast pweeez on next ride? ~Matty
  4. Awsome video. Love watching his riding. Damn cool
  5. 1337 Trials


    oh my god. Benito's gap
  6. Can't make it from the 28th march - 7th April but nevermind me a
  7. yer sometime mid week if you like bud
  8. *Blisters *Rear brake Fails *Bike breaking
  9. Buy some rock pads from tartybikes.co.uk There awsome. mate uses them on back and front on a smooth rim
  10. Yes! Just the advice My technique.
  11. 1337 Trials

    Inur M.G. Video

    damn sweet! Enjoyed watching that. Nice one
  12. SECONDED! So smart and sexual
  13. k thanks for the replys. Ive put 2 tensioners on now and last night night my chain snapped. Should be sorting it today though. My chain come lose so quick. Anyway got an tips for this not to happen apart from tighten bolts? ~Matty
  14. k mate. Setting the wheel tension is so hard Ile keep trying ~Beav
  15. yup count me and 2 other lads in. The 2 others arn't registered on here. ~matty
  16. Hello. I was just wondering will it be ok to just run one chain tensioners on the drive side? With 2 its alot harder to set the chain tension/wheel centered etc but with one its alot easier. Last time I use one the axel snapped on the force powerful kick but this might just be a coinsidence. Do you have any tips for using one chain tensioner? Thanks alot for reading ~Matty
  17. haha! Sweet I might check it out. Lidl is just down the road from me
  18. I was thinking of going stock to but im 5ft 10 and I spent alot on my bike so I don't want it to go to waste and I wont get the cash I spent for it back so ile stay with Mod ~Matty
  19. Sweet. I enjoyed looking at them ~Matty
  20. YOOO! The megamo's are damb sexy
  21. Think ile go with white. Have been wondering about white for a while. Black rims/stem/cranks with anodized red hubs/bars/bash ring. Could anybody maybe do a photoshop and make it white please? (Just the frame and maybe a red hub on the rear if you could but dont worry about the rear hub if you can't. ~Matty
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