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1337 Trials

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Everything posted by 1337 Trials

  1. Sweet sweet. Surprised noone has said anything about "no seat" . lol. Looks like trials is getting more popular ~Matty
  2. 1337 Trials


    Hellooo. I went into college today and saw a poster off someone on a 26" trials bike. Front mono trials and rear maggy lever was upside down. It was advertising a University or something education related. Just wondered if its anyone off here Was pretty surprised to see a poster in college with a trials bike on there. lol. ~Matty
  3. Rear back brake yes! I think we need an amazin one. 1. it feels better to ride and 2. its safer knowing your back brake wont let you down. ~Matty
  4. Thanks for the replys people Goodluck with the riding~ ~Matty
  5. Well i got this hub/echo 07 rim for £80 P+P. I was going to get a viz hub onto my old dx-32 rim and that would off cost £70. lol. ~Matty
  6. Hello. Im just wondering what are peoples views on the £75 echo hub? (Fixed) Sorry not sure on the model name. ~Matty
  7. Damn! Looks painful. I hate seeing stuff like this and BB snappings etc as it kinda puts me off :eek: ~Matty
  8. AUP PHILL! Go mod man. We are all mod riders here man. You will get sick of stock on your own Ps. I know this guy in real life ~Matty
  9. Crazy man! Don't think ile be doing this. haha. Wouldn't the extra tread help to get up walls etc (grip the edge) ~Matty
  10. Seconded Also the echo 07 rims are strong I hear but make sure you don't buy an 06 echo rim ~Matty
  11. Damn fine and for home made. Nice one mate ~Matty
  12. oh my god! That is the shiz.
  13. Damn fine riding and damn fine bikes ~Matty
  14. Looks pretty decent. Not much different to an xen as said in a few posts up ~Matty
  15. Is the fourth picture down vincent with a tongue piercing? Also pretty sweet pictures ~Matty
  16. Cool pictures. Liking the bikes ~Matty
  17. What innertube would I get for a 19" rear rim? Sorry for off-topic but I didnt want to make a new thread.
  18. Sweet riding. Love the wwhite onza proto
  19. What rim was that at the end of the video that is smashed? Nice riding mate. Impresive
  20. LOVE IT. Wouldn't mind something like that for an all rounder street/trials etc .
  21. 1337 Trials

    Gu 26"

    The more I look at it the more I want to ride it. Im robbing it of you when we go for a ride Thought ide let you know
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