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1337 Trials

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Everything posted by 1337 Trials

  1. Cheers bud. Yer ride soon. Gota save £200 for the summer but instead of saving for a whole month ile save little bits and make sure I have £200 before I go ~Matty
  2. Helloo. Heres my bike at this point in time New Echo Back Wheel: http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/3790/dsc00125af4.jpg Bike In The Dark: http://img147.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc00126ez0.jpg Front Wheel: http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/4896/dsc00127ff8.jpg My Favourite: http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/6539/mybeasttz7.jpg Thanks for looking. ~Matty
  3. They 26" wheels?They look like 24"s but its hard to tell as the frame is BIG ~Matty
  4. Never seen a bike like that LOOKS REALLY NICE
  5. Can't wait Shame I gota send my xbox off just as it comes out as my 360 is broke
  6. 1337 Trials

    Zona Zips

    Glad to see they are decent frames. Was looking into getting one as I can afford a zona zip first hand rather than get a python or echo second hand
  7. Quite like that frame Wheels look different but good ~Matty
  8. yup 20" Ide love to go stock but dont have the cash . hehe When you say 20" rim you do mean the 19" wheel dont you?
  9. Nice bikes man. So lucky to have a mod and a stock
  10. Sweet. Well I brought the £75 echo hub built onto the echo rim but ide rather have strength and alittle more weight ~Matty
  11. hellooo. Ive done a search for echo 07 rims but only sales threads come up. Im wondering what people think to the echo 07 rear rim?? I know the 06 was was very weak. ~Matty
  12. Thats it mate. You got it I stud there looking at the bike for like 5 mins. lol. ~Matty
  13. Is that yale in telford? ~Matty
  14. Visit the gym I go atleast twice a week. Trying to loose weight though aswell as build muslce ~Matty
  15. I use a 160mm rotor on my mod (hope mono trials) and im 16 stone and it works great ~Matty
  16. My mate has got the beone Kaos from chainreaction cycles and his rear juicy 7 is like this ~Matty
  17. Yes but more popular is better as not as many people ask wheres our seats etc ~Matty
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