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1337 Trials

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Everything posted by 1337 Trials

  1. Looking tidy there matey Maybe different tyres but you may like them...
  2. Quite tidy that matey Hopefully im going to build up my own stock soon. Frame about £100 then can use some parts of my mod im dreading the cost of the wheels. lol. Would love hope hubs like on your zoot but quite pricey.
  3. Gorgious! Hopefully all going well soon ile have a stock as a project. Ile slowly build it up for the summer bit by bit
  4. I will be getting it done proffessionaly for £40 and I think im going to get it shiny black I was thinking maybe go stock as im 5ft 11 and im a big lad for a mod but I can't really afford it so I think ile stay mod as it rides quite nice and I may just spend the cash on going ISIS and get my current frame sprayed
  5. Pretty sick that Nice bike. I want that frame
  6. Looks quite short. I wouldn't have gears but its all personal preferance. A nice looking ride thought
  7. The new t-bird is so much nicer than when I used to ride a t-bird. Quite a nice looking bike now
  8. Quality not to good but then again my images are never very good. Quite a nice bike to start on aswell
  9. Someone's brave. Wouldn't catch me riding in the snow. haha. Nice pictures thought
  10. Nice riding Looks very nice where your riding matey How do you ride in that coat? LOL!
  11. Wooo! I used to see your picturess and havnt seen any for a while but DAMN you have improved...
  12. The bike looks very different now compared to the bottom image but the colors are the same
  13. Haha. Nice thread. I had a dream where I coulod manual and back in the day I could hop on the rear wheel. lol
  14. Hellooo. Im thinking of spraying my frame but don't know if to go matt black or shiny black? Could anyone photoshop my frame to matt black/shiny black please with a red headset? http://img238.imageshack.us/img238/8425/solomein.jpg By the way the rear brake cable is black now. Also want to go ISIS Thanks.
  15. Very tidy Hows the rear brake without a grind? I know rock pads are imense on smooth rims
  16. Nice little collection there
  17. Very neat May I buy your echo frame?
  18. Nice video man. I been riding 2years and everyone on this forum seems better . haha. Im more of a balance guy I guess over heights.
  19. Tidy Maybe get some black handle bar grips though
  20. Tidy Grrr. I shouldn't look at 26". I want one but have other things to pay for Lol
  21. Favouite music is RnB I like all kinds of music but to ride it would be rock probably but not metal....
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