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Everything posted by Tartridge

  1. Haha, i noticed that too :blink:
  2. Oops, 'Does the rotor rub on the caliper' I meant to say. If not, just ride.
  3. Onza PZ31 - 120mm x 15 degree? £25.
  4. Does the rotor rub on the rotor? If not, its fine.
  5. Theyre 7005 instead of U6. So, basically, if theyre as strong they wont be as light. And if theyre as light, they wont be as strong. :blink:
  6. Use something small - 2-3mm diameter is about right. Any drill will do, drill at approx 30m/minute... so... basically, as fast as you like.
  7. Woop woop! Get down to B&Q, then grind away boys :)
  8. And the first one is probably the 2nd worst reason?
  9. Mikey boy, its 0.8. Your threads are probably a bit buggered in your frame :blink:
  10. Haha, someone really dislikes Onza! :blink:
  11. Not a bad idea Jay :) However, its very difficult to convey your ideas using a computer/computer aided drawings though; unless youre relatively experienced...
  12. They probably do nearly all of the testing on CAD. Its fooking expensive to produce moulds to make only one prototype, only to find it doesnt work.
  13. Indeed :( Tartybikes have exclusive rights photos and info on all new Onza prototype stuff :-
  14. Couple of interesting pics coming right up :( :P"
  15. Yup. Cracks form at stress risers. A stress riser is where theres a sharp corner. The end of a crack (theoretically) has a radius of zero, therefore theres an infinite stress at that point. If you drill a small hole at the end of the crack, that 'zero radius' area is then turned into a 1.5mm radius (if you used a 3mm drill bit, say), and the stress is reduced (Y) Its also advisable to do this before welding over a crack too.
  16. Alternatively, you can get a new one for £80, or, have £80 off the price of another Onza frame.
  17. Hehe, pretty simple method of deciding :-
  18. Theres something very similar in basketball too - the lower teams have first pick of the 'new' players to come out of colleges etc, evens things up well.
  19. Per year... cant be right... Anyway: http://www.howstuffworks.com/question644.htm So ~$70million for 55-60 players = just over $1million a year each. Not that bad actually :( Although signing on fees top it up a bit! ($10mil+!) From my above post... minimum might be $400,000 a year. I seem to remember 400k from somewhere anyway :-
  20. Approx £400,000 a year I think. Edit: No, that cant be right :( That must be the minimum...
  21. Thing is, they change at half time... so... yeah... he's probably just got a hefty boot.
  22. Haha, nice. You just need to find a good one Dave, they dont do that :(
  23. Yes, they are. Totally bonkers, I dont think we'll ever be able to understand them. Have the ability to turn mental at any point, therefore evil. And theres that time/money thing as well, which also proves it :( Half girls, however, another matter :- (Private joke, haha, sorry)
  24. Action Dan, spot on my man! :( Lovin the lack of brakes and grip :P
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