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Everything posted by Phill_Monks

  1. that looks immense.... bet it rides it too
  2. looks nice that dan....i hope mine looks as nice as that when i get it built up phill
  3. just a quick video of me, seeing as my cam blew up I'v had nothing to film with so i thaught, insted of making a full video I'll just make a little clips video.... http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....ails&id=844 full video soon phill
  4. me and ricky brown head will be there!!!! and mabey nicky if hes not working phill
  5. pics are not working for me are they working for anyone else ?
  6. minta vid danny big improvement, loads better than your other ones phill
  7. ouch!!! kinhell mike that was harsh, you was sooo close aswell mate respect for trying it!!!!! phill
  8. mehh, personally not my type of video with the song and lines but i still liked it was quite enjoyable phill
  9. ohhhh that video was beasty... i wish i went now looked like a good ride ill be there on the next one though phill
  10. took stickers off nar.....lokks better IMO
  11. ohhh dear that was immense danny....thanks a lot for that you ride a bit like danny foster and how the hell do you sidehop like you do... your style is Amazing. best vid iv seen for quite some time phill
  12. or well...im still going, should be good...
  13. im sure the tyres are different and i am 100% positive that the 06 bars are different to the 07/08 as for the pads..the old 2004 ones were extremely soft, and as it says on Tarty... "Available in 5 colours, all the same compound, just pick whichever colour matches your colour scheme best!" someone is wrong seeing as deng says there the same as the green echo ones.
  14. huggee riding, drop gaps looks stupidly massive white ko looks immense aswell phill
  15. Phill_Monks

    Koxx Days 08

    lmao haha that was soo funny i actually woke my mum up from laughing that first deodorant can were immense!!! thanks for that max.... phill
  16. few cool pics from today comment pleaseee
  17. that looks propper nice.... red bars for the win phill
  18. Phill_Monks


    eating pineapple.....
  19. looks like it might be raining but not while around 4ish were still going though... we should be there around 10:30 ish get a good 5 hours riding anyone else ???
  20. niccceee mat....i may have to buy one of them....either that or control, but by looking at yours i think its going to be the MBK we will have to see.... phill
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