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Everything posted by Phill_Monks

  1. Rob... thats the nicest t-pro i've ever seen, love it Phil
  2. haha... thats classic man, never seen this before can't wait for the video...going to be well funny/mint Cheers phill
  3. not working for me... says forbidden Ahh well Phil
  4. Well... what can i say vid was brill, sites brill, your an amazing rider for your age... can't imagen how good your going to be when your older. keep it up. Cheers Phil
  5. Ill send you some mate, Added you. Phil
  6. haha quality bail vid there, some good bails there, was really funny... Phil
  7. beast video! and them sidehops are pretty impressive to say it was icy... well it looked icy not scared is he. Phil
  8. Phill_Monks

    Matt Everett

    ace video dude, it really got my attention nice one. Phill
  9. i cant find the video :$ could someone please tell me how to download it please.. thanks phill
  10. Ace video joe You have improved LOADS, I enjoy your street videos... there really good. Hope to see some more from you. Phil
  11. Anyone no the song from joe oakley vid 7 please Cheers Phil
  12. beast video... that backflip at the end was pritty sick Phil
  13. kool little video there mate, it made me chuckle phil
  14. It minght be quicker to type... but it is twice harder to reed as said above
  15. haha... they never learn do they, pointless topic but i have some, there... you will sleep better tonight. Phil
  16. Phill_Monks

    Vid 1

    Really good video mate, how long have you been riding? Cheers Phil
  17. hi, could anyone tell me the song out of trials-forum video 1 please... thanks a bungle.. Phil
  18. Class video mate, I really enjoyed it, And them 180 pivots on road rails... Looking forward to some more videos from you...keep them coming Cheers Phil
  19. no... there not spline ones. Phil
  20. Right i have a pair of tensile cranks on my python and no bashring, but i don't no which will fit... so if anyone nows could you please tell me. just if you need to no the cranks say: "tensile optimum cranks" on them... ow and they are 165mm. Thanks Phil
  21. Downloading it now, should be good... EDIT: Really good video, nice one, i was just getting into it then it ended... your next video should be better though Cheers Phil
  22. yeah i buffed it... ow and reflective rimtape. Phil
  23. I bought a 2004 echo rim and drilled the holes out bigger... It made it look better and obviously made it a bit lighter, here have a look. Cheers Phil
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