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Everything posted by Phill_Monks

  1. cool video i'm not been funny or owt but... i liked your 4th video better but still, really good video Phil
  2. well... thats windows moviemaker for you Phil
  3. Phill_Monks


    >>>link to vid<<< yehh man Cheers Phil
  4. really good video ... loved it went well with the song too...infact what was the song...i quite liked it Cheers Phil
  5. i use them on a smooth rim and they are great with a bit of tar...although there not the best pads on a smooth rim i also used them with a grind... they were amazing best pads i ever tried and they work just as good in wet i would get some if i was you but deffo use a grind Phil
  6. yeah you did...i think Cheers Phil
  7. some pics from a sheff ride on staurday enjoy .... front to back thingy from first step sidehop gap from the slab thing Back wheel top of steps gap... gap Little back wheel Thaught these two looked pretty kool Comments welcome Cheers Phil
  8. wow ... i dont usally like BMX vids but that... that was just sick good find Phil
  9. Lovley bike sex on wheels Phil
  10. Really nice bikes Hes selling the monty if you want it alex...rides a beast Cheers Phil
  11. good video your a really good rider, how old are you BTW... big sidehops Cheers Phil
  12. Phill_Monks

    My Gu

    Nice bike love that stem Phil
  13. Looks beast nice and pimp hows it ride? Cheers Phil
  14. yer...well, painted them Phil
  15. i bought the frame off craig...hi sprayed it on when he was sponsored by them, I think it looks pritty well... Whys my name Gu Typhoon when i ride a Zoo? humm, cos i was gona get one but craig offerd my python so i took that insted. Phil
  16. Phill_Monks

    New Vid

    nice vid joe your getting good now... not scared either by the look of that drop at 1:40...massive! well done Phil
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