im not a smooth rider but im not that heavy..... i just think the frames had a lot of hamer from sidehop's to back wheel......i always land where the crack is when i slip down phill
amazing video mate music was a little screamy but went well with the video so fuuuuwk it and if you have better clips that then thats immense!!!! cant wait for next one! phill
depends how much hammer you give them, i bought a GU hub last year and i looked after it... yeh i had to spend about £15 on replacement bearings but its still working rite up to now lol profiles are amazing phill
New Zoo pads i first tryed these on a smooth rim and they slipped quite a bit at first but finally bedded in after rubbing them on a brick for 5 min!!! they worked really well after that but then started to go shite again after about 30 min of riding then i tryed them on a light grind and that really buggerd them up i may as well ride with maggy blacks for now......ordering V3's tomorow woop woop phill