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Everything posted by Phill_Monks

  1. oy you Ba*tar*d me ?? bikes looks a beast ricky brown head brapp like pow !!! when you grinding rim again ?
  2. finally after waiting about 12 years for the money rides a beast
  3. dont know who it is but its funny as... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYZ_TX4t4yQ
  4. wow he has got talent that was amazing
  5. haha i thought that song went well with the riding video was good
  6. god knows how you come up with all the ideas, there just mint i love the snowboard, would look better in snow camo though 100% top stuff... phill
  7. Can someone please help the boy laid down. you sure hes ok....looks hurt nice pics
  8. nice teaser editing was brill...cant wait for video mate also cant wait for sheff on sat, you can get some more clips woop woop phill
  9. orite, thanks mate....ill ask him about it phill
  10. right im looking for a video of someone called alex pavlou, i think he rode a 05 python with gold parts and used killswitch in this video im wanting iv searched the forum quite a while for this vid but cant find it anywhere someone must have it ???? phill
  11. ow my god, probs the most sketchy rider iv ever seen but hes got balls beast riding phill
  12. Google Search = "Servers are offline due to a problem. We'll be back - probably this afternoon"
  13. http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/phillmonks downloadable link
  14. oh pleaseeeee, thank you for making a video, i havnt seen a decent vid in ages..... i cant beleve how brave you are to be doing some of them lines mad mad mad mad mad....... deffo deserves free bike sponsership !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! phill
  15. selectbikes trialsman heatsinkbikes cleanbikes
  16. Phill_Monks

    Bristol Clips

    where do you get your phat pads from max ?
  17. hi and welcome.....you just like to look for trouble dont you ash haha phill
  18. Phill_Monks

    Bristol Clips

    them clips were really good....what brake pads do you use ? phill
  19. usally when i eat during a ride it f**ks me up, i just drink i find it better to eat after iv rode rather than before...
  20. thaaa what...he's a monster, thats like what ? 60" ??
  21. well iv hod this camcorder quite a while and it was fine when i first got it but now when i capture the footage onto the computer it plays back with loads of small lines going across the screen, it tends to do it when somthing moves fast, and makes the quality a lot worse aswell its pritty good camera though (Sony DCR-PC110E) thats why i cant understand the quality been shite, i was told it may need a head cleaning tape or something ? anyone had this problem before ??? phill
  22. wow your helmet is well cool... pics are brill, some huge lines phill
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