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About RR_Trials

  • Birthday 10/08/1991

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  • Quick Spec
    New bike (Suplyed by sponsor) Frame:Zona Zip Brakes: Hope Mono Trial. HS33 Bars Rims and Shizzle: Try-all

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    Newton Scabbot

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Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. mate check out your thread on your bike youve got a couple q's :)

  2. RR_Trials

    New Tattoos

    Brians one looks really really good! My mrs is looking to get one on her upper thigh/ pubic bone.. She wants something sexy and feminine, and she also wants me to like it for obvious reasons. It doesn't have to have any meaning she just wants one, so if anybody has any pics of some that look good, post em up. cheers.
  3. It's explained on the site somewhere I think but when you click to send you have to tick a box that says you have turned off your pop-up blocker, (of-course you don't actually have to), but when you do a pop-up comes up at the end, so I think thats were the money is. Oh and when somebody text's back they get some of the 15p it costs to send a text I believe, Thats why they want the recipient to text back.
  4. I have a contract. I'd much rather spend my time working for the money for the contract, rather then spending double that time trying to send one bloody text from CBFsms. BUT, no they don't pass on your details to other people, when I was with an Ex-girlfriend, I used to text her on it all the time and she would text me on it almost everyday and I have never had a tele-marketing call on my number. If you can get the person your texting to reply to the CBF number you will be guaranteed 1 outgoing message which means a constant text chat if he/she is willing to keep replying.
  5. All ready on here but a better pic.. http://www.autocult.com.au/img/gallery/full/RevNews53.jpg wow
  6. For someone who's looking to sleep at somebody's house for 2 months your not giving much info.
  7. how does the validation process work again?
  8. Needing some help from you podcaster's out there. Today we recorded our 1st slot on the college radio and after chopping all the copyrighted material out (songs) I have got my MP3 files ready to become our 1st podcast. After having a look on google I have worked out that I need an RSS feed for the material in order to submit the podcast's too iTunes. Trouble is that I dont know much (if anything) about RSS feeds and I don't want to pay to share my material. Does anybody know of any sites etc that I can upload the MP3 too, to get a rss url to submit to iTunes. Any help apreciated please! x
  9. Why be cock's about it? When i finished with my gf, i got told that and when i thought about it, it actually made me feel better. It's basically saying that just because a girls acted like that in the past doesn't mean a diff girl will act the same. Nice one
  10. Life experiences tell us that if we drop a stone it will fall to the floor. Who's to say that the next time you drop a stone it doesn't float in the air? Basically there is no way of knowing how it would be if you got back with her. As we know the chances are the stone will fall, yet nothing but past experience can prove that it won't float.
  11. RR_Trials


    Seen that life hacker one before, really good if i remember, I didn't know what blogs were then, and just thought it was a badly designed website.
  12. RR_Trials


    I can't believe this isn't already a topic. I have recently got into looking at some blogs since reading one the other day and realizing they are actually really interesting. So what do you guys read? Mine at the moment is the Uber-Review, I have subscribed to it and everything .
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