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Joe Aston

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Everything posted by Joe Aston

  1. Joe Aston


    what hairless and a small plastic buldge where his penis should be? no offense moneyseemoneydo just saw it as an unmissable chance to get a no penis joke in
  2. this sounds fun fun fun. Just got my new bike built up just got some new editing softwear now i have to try and work out how to make riding on my own into a fun vid. Could be tricky whens the vid got to be in by and is their a time limit or anything like that? Joe
  3. thanks tom also how would i go about encoding in div x thanks joe
  4. all your comments about the bike have about how it looks are you gonna ride it or just go round and let people say oooooooo thats a nice bike great colors. Bit of an odd way to go about doing up a bike just up grading the bits you don't like the look of.
  5. Thanks wayne again the filming wasnt done by me was done by someone else i was just asked as a favor by joe to put a video together and as for the comment about hiring someone to make a video trials is a massive business these company's dont have expandable income to be shelling out for company's to make videos its a very niche sport name another trials company that pays to have videos made? As scott said if you want to see the vid in decent quality use the tv isg link and down load it. Thanks for the positive comments. Joe
  6. Thanks no its realy bad quality Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload thats the first link i dont undertsand what you mean by a link before i uploaded it thats it to download http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/jimyjoe thats the file i uploaded onto trials tube
  7. just tried youtube same thing. it looks fine on my pc just dont no why it dosent when its online.
  8. Just tired uploading a video onto trials tube its a 6 min vid 98 mb windows media audio/video file plays fine in good quality on my pc however when i upload it onto trials tube it plays in realy bad qualty dont no what to do. I want the video to been seen in its best quality possible. Speedy help would be greatly apreciated. Thanks Joe
  9. Just to clear up a few points yeah the quality is awfull not sure how to get around that i compressed from the 1.3gb it was initaly after rendering to avi. If someone would like to point me in the direction of getting a better quality vid up i would love to no because it does look pants but its not because of the cameras that where used its because of the uploading process. Cheers for the positive comments. Bango is an onza rider not sure if he is on hear.
  10. Title: Team Onza 2008 Notts ride Music: Mark Ronson: Stop Me and Klaxons: Its not over yet Duration: 06:54 minutes Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload Summary Team Onza 2008 ride Nottingham riders including. Andrei Burton, Bango, Wayne Mohamet Joe Seddon Scott Wilson and Gaz M Youtube link quality still crap im working on it though. This video was not filmed on a phone but a mini dv camera just to clear up confusion the quality is bad because its been uploaded incorrectly. down load http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/jimyjoe best link to use quality is far better than the other two its the movie link
  11. Their is a built in tension system that looks nice and clean works great too so no need for snail cams. joe edit: beaten to it.
  12. saw these frames in the flesh yesterday and oh my god never seen such a bunch of loverly and well constructed frames in my life the attention to detail from the placement of hose guides to the rings around the head tube to stop flairing these frames are beast would love to get my hands on one. Joe
  13. sounds like your hard drive is full and does not have enough room to save even a project file which seems unlikly as if your hard drive was that full your pc would be dam slow. have you checked that your saving to the correct drive ? Joe
  14. Iv just finished making a video in sony vegas6 it all plays fine in the preveiw box in vegas and also when iv rendered it it plays fine on my pc but once i have used winavi to convert it to a dvd file then burn it using nero when i play it in on a dvd player on my x box and a normal dvd player the jpgs that i have put in the video expand over the top and bottom of the screen. i used a website for the specs on the converting http://www.dvd-guides.com/content/view/58/59/. Could it be that use the wrong aspect ratio ? Thanks quick replys would be great. Thanks joe
  15. I was onzajoe but people kept pming me about super cycles and onza stuff because they thought i was joe poyzer from onza so i changed it,
  16. Plus those hubs are pants they skip like hell even when just riding about. Why would ot pi need one i cant imagine he would change gears through the comp stages. joe
  17. ooooooo saw this the other day too wont let on to much but its special
  18. saw this in the flesh today looks ace nice and light and the gold just looks pimp. Joe
  19. This is so strange me and some mates where sat around the other day and couldent think of the name of said ice lolly which turned out to be mini milk. Must be something about them which makes people forgot about them.
  20. Yeah depending on how old your x box is i now the new ones come with the right cable then just right click on the little pc on your task bar for your wirless conection click share and should all work. Any problems pm il try sort it out im at collage atm but il do my best. Joe
  21. Yeah this is how i have mine set up you just need to set your wireless conection coming in to be shared and bobs your uncle.
  22. Jimyj Add me its the only game i have so im on quite a lot at the mo Joe
  23. Lol i was remembering the conversation we had with ryan on friday. Those new mods look nice to be perfectly onist i think they will sell well because of the style of frame its following the "long low and silver" style which a lot of people starting out in trials will like because they want to look like more experenced riders on more expensive bikes so this will help them sell well. Nice move Koxx Joe
  24. Been in the situation you could potential be in its not good. You may think its the right thing to do but a month down the line when nothing has come of chatting to the other girl you realize it wasn't worth the risk and u will see how valuable you last relationship was. So just think long and hard before you make your decision. Joe
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