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planet x alan

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Everything posted by planet x alan

  1. haha tosser Yeah we can special order try all stuff, also middleburn if i remember rightly. but i wouldn't recommend special ordering anything. this old lady came into our place about November ordered a set of panniers from Raleigh through us. they turned up last Monday. We chased it back to head office not doing their f**king job properly. also happened with a friend and colleague of mine, wanted an 20mm adapter for his front hub, ordered one from ISON through us. never turned up after 2 weeks he rang head office and had a go again, not doing their job properly, Same day he rang up Billy's and ordered the part he needed, came next day.
  2. Personally, I don't think it could be classed as a record, seen as he didn't land it. But bloody huge drop nonetheless.
  3. Just finished watching series 1 of skins. Damn mike for telling me to start watching it at like 1 thismorning. now the weather looks lush. i wanna go ride.
  4. nice video dan. you got good on that ko. your riding styles pretty good and all
  5. I'm easy going to be honest. I always end up trying streety sorta moves on natural trials and natural sorta moves on street. But for natural i'm a summer person. I cant stand riding in the mud on the slippy rocks. I have to admit though, natural does take up a lot more energy, and i think another reason why a lot of people don't like riding natural is because you normally use the more boring moves of trials like trackstanding and bunny hops forwards (no idea if theres a proper name for these). Whereas street, everything is so perfect so you can do the 360 rock walks and gaps to rails and stuff.
  6. very nice. get well soon :$
  7. The music did it at that tailwhip drop thing! 1st shot is filmed at Prissick plaza in Middlesbrough isn't it? Overall, good vid but i don't think all of it shoulda been slowmo'd.
  8. bet it weighs an absolute tonne!
  9. Add me to xfire! planetxalan Would be cool to have a tf server going see who's the best Alan PS. download 1.5 patch its got the most servers on it. Edit. added you joefish and spacemunkee
  10. Aren't they just these? looks like Abant is just a distributor for Monty stuff. just like say Ison distribution distributes khe and halo etc EDIT: Didn't see that mega drilled rim. wouldn't trust one of them though to be honest
  11. Seen it a while ago, Some guy machined the surface of his rim to like the same sorta thing as the surface of a file... a DX32 if i remember rightly. Called it a Singapore Stop and it made the braking shit hot.
  12. Heard about these a few years back... few questions. How exactly is it done? Can i do it myself? If not, who can? How much will it cost? And am i right in thinking that they work a lot better than a standard grind, last longer and are quieter? I did search this but nothing relevant came up. Cheers
  13. try imtoo it does the 1st 30 seconds and no annoying watermark in the middle of the clip. imtoo
  14. never bothered to grind it, i just use a bit of tar and some decent pads, its on my curtis so its used for more streety trials.
  15. lol until you get another frame looks fit though. cant wait to have a go Edit: This guy's so street, he puts grips on with spit
  16. Atomlab pimp I'd say. had one for nearly a year and a half. still sweet as a nut! and I'm a well harsh rider on that bike. The holes drilled in the rim for the spokes are larger and you are given bigger nipples with a torx head also so you can get more tension in the rim thus a stronger build. pimp
  17. good point. i'll keep that in mind for next time i edit one. thanks so far
  18. Yeah pretty good like like the ghetto asss tune. Also liked the bail off the rock onto the wall. improved loads since the last vid.
  19. Couldn't be bothered to post it up but now i can. so here it is. Tried to make it sorta chilled but with the dark sorta drum and bass in it. sorta worked i think. what does everyone think? Constructive criticism? cheers. Alan EDIT: MEH imbed didn't work
  20. well i want something cheap and cheerful to keep my chain on the chainring on my dirt jump bike im unsure if you can get one to clamp on the seat tube? and also how do them ones that go round the bb work? its a gt moto frame and it doesn't have the 3 holes for conventional devices... enlighten me all help appreciated. cheers.
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