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Alex@Flawless Bikes

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Everything posted by Alex@Flawless Bikes

  1. loved the flat land tail whip! so cool
  2. Im sorry the intro was cool but way to long, i got board before the riding actually started.
  3. Best 24" bike out there I say! I love mine so much.
  4. That video had to be a piss take cos no one can be that bad. I know a 12 year old that started 3 days ago that can ride better then ALL of them!
  5. The inspired is much better then the 24uk, but it might not be better then the 24uk mk2! Just have to wait and see about that.
  6. My mate had one and it seamed to be good! You can't really feel the difference between 72 and 108, well i can't! I would just get a tensile or eno
  7. Don't get one they are SH*T! They have a weakening grove in the side wall which means they fold along there really easy!
  8. dear god thats light, get it sub 20lb that the ulitmate goal! Wow i thought my bike was quite light but now i feel bad
  9. Torrent spy and search premire pro cs3! Not that you would becasue its bad to download stuff you don't own, but you could!
  10. That happens to me all the time, i spent all of my last holiday in the usa see amazing line everywhere. A lass my bike was thousands of miles away.
  11. The way that i weighed my bike was to weigh my self then weigh my self with me holding the bike, then just take my weight away from it and there, you have your bikes rough weight!
  12. What a random idea i love it so much. Maybe they should make a trials version, never get dents in the down tube again
  13. I did i couldn't find anything, then again i may just a blind git. Any links would be good
  14. As long as there isn't any cracks or massive dents in it i would say it a good deal!
  15. Clean the rotor, make sure there isn't any crap on the pads. Then Bed it in again, ride around with the brake on, get it really hot then chuck water over it, do this again and once it has dryed off it would work better
  16. I weight my bike today an found it was 25.8 lb, i was just wondering if this was an average weight for a trials bike! So how heavy is your bike?, I hope my bike isn't fat!
  17. I robbed a big torpedo of tar from same road works years ago, it worked really well. However as i said it got hot one day and the whole thing melted all over my mate garage floor.
  18. You need to be 18 to sell GT-85, but you should get a job there the work is easy untill you get ass holes complaining that their £70 bike feel apart!
  19. A good vee like an avid ultimate can be much better then a disc!
  20. Nice little video there, riding was cool, very streety
  21. The tar they use on the road is softer then the tar you can buy in the shop, but it still works it just like to melt in puddles!
  22. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/wiki/Trials_shops
  23. Repost and it would have been better if you did a poll, however... i like street cos there are shops that sell food near by!
  24. Please don't buy one its works out cheaper to buy a tensile or even an eno in the long run!
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