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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. Its the clip after the gap. 50" Jonny mc = No tuck oh my god Danny
  2. Damon W when he first got his 07 Gu. Come notts. He had these on the front on a smooth rim. Said they worked better than on a grind. Danny.
  3. http://youtube.com/watch?v=Amv_G0nZivk Lmao. Danny.
  4. Im not . Just posting a picture dude I don't boast about my body. It's nothing special. Was bored and took a picture. Simple really. Danny.
  5. It's not hard to do Lmao. Just pick an effect from the list and click ok. Your done. Looks ok'ish. Danny.
  6. Nicest ive seen so far i reckon . Nice work Front maggy for they win Looks like it rides so nice. Looks proper light and flicky aswell. Danny.
  7. Danny Kearns


    http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...videoid=8799387 Absolutely Hilarious. Put me in tears. Danny.
  8. That were well good. Enjoyed that loads. Keep it up Danny. EDIT: 13 oh my god . Good lord. Your gonna be good.
  9. Black bin bag . Wrap the rim in bubble wrap before hand if you wish . Thats what tarty have always done with mine. Bubblewrap. Then cover it in a black bin bag. Stock the address on a piece of paper and tape it on the bin bag with some tape. Send it away . Danny.
  10. NOT HUMAN !!!! Thats just silly Danny.
  11. Danny Kearns

    Partz 9.

    Wow !. Shocked me a lot. You've improved since i rode with you in Birmingham. Really really enjoyed that. Riding was awesome, song was awesome, editing was awesome. Over all.....Fantastic work. Looking forward to the next Danny x
  12. . Or you can angle grinder them straight or sand paper. Danny.
  13. I never backed down. I can't be arsed anymore. ive lost. I was wrong. Im sorry for jumping to conclusions. If you want to be childish and carry this on then do so. Im leaving it. Danny.
  14. Upon talking to kris over msn i've come to realise that this thread being made in the first place was an immature thing to do and that theres no way it was going to end in anything other than a childish slagging match. I realise i should have raised the personally with the riders involved and that posting on a public forum was a poor way to go about voicing my feelings on the video. I apologise for how this has turned out and hope that with this post no more needs to be said on the matter. I'd like to point out that I realise I may have come across as a different person to my normal self and regret that in doing this people may have changed their views about me. I hope that people still choose to think of me as the helpful, cheerful and polite person I normally am and that this is just a case of frustration and curiosity getting the better of me. Sorry for any accusations I unrightfully made. Danny.
  15. Mum insults died out years ago. Move on. Beau doesn't have power. Jonny has power. Danny.
  16. Beau shut it you fanny. Your not even worthy of deng team. I will try my best get sponserd off next video. But me and Jonny dont bum,. We just see it how he has cheated. Danny.
  17. That is me in avater. Evidence will be in video. Tunni doesn't have a blue helmet either. Danny.
  18. How many will say it to my face then ? Danny.
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