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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. Mark...Owned ? I didn't get owned at all. Your just arse licking like everyone else and you seriously think that all Chavs are dicks. Well news flash. They arn't all dicks and want to cause trouble. Just because they choose to dress how they do DOES NOT mean that they want trouble. Christ. Skaters and Bmx's are just as bad. They have a foul mouth and foul temper. I've been to skate parks to sit with freinds...You only have to so mcuh as look at them. They f**king jump down your throat. Emo's are mouthy f**kers aswell. You can't put everything on Chavs. It pisses me off so much. My cousins. Two of the nicest lads you will ever meet. Yeah they can fight. But they don't go looking for trouble. They listen to hardcore music etc. They wear rockport, lacoste etc. So they are Chavs because they wear a brand of clothing ? If so thats bang out of order and f**king pathetic. Danny.
  2. Ahhh dear you lot make me laugh you really do. Ok. Lets leave it at that. This appears to becoming a like 10 on 1 discussion. Were all entitled to our own opinion on what a Chav is and on what dressing smartly is. So this discussion was never really needed in the first place. Danny.
  3. Thats so stereotypical. That is NOT always the case. When i go out on the town. I see people in Rockport shirts or whatever. Rockport shoes. Henri Lloyd jeans. You find alot of them are quiet and very mature and all they want to do is dress smartly. Christ. Danny.
  4. So you take the piss simply because you can't afford the likes of Henri Lloyd and Rockport ? Thats also another thing i notice. Danny.
  5. So you suddenly changed because you found that it didn't give you enough thrills anymore ? haha. Me ? Emo ? Lmao. It's called taking piss Beau. Danny.
  6. It's what you Emo's get thrills out of is it not Beau ? Danny.
  7. Danny Kearns

    Ret Bail

    Lmao. Thats Legend. Gaz has a point. Haha. Unlucky Biff. Danny.
  8. This boy has some power i must say. Such a nice style. Real smooth. Nice work. Keep it up buddy. Ride soon. Danny x
  9. No i didn't see that. Thanks alot dude. I have two people who it's got be. There low lifes who has nothing better to do. The names are Abdab and Biff. Shows there standards of abusing somebody...When they clearly knew that i couldn't do anything about it because i was on holiday. The Moderators arn't stupid anyway. They can check I.P address's etc. Danny. Slit my wrists with a stanley knife
  10. So...What is your definition of a "Chav" ? Because personally. The way i think you lot see it. It is a person who listens to Hardcore/trance/dance music etc. Wears well named clothing and expensive clothing for that matter and walks around in big groups. Personally. I see you as wrong. Danny.
  11. Ok very wierd. Logged in using IE and i now have the little bar thing. Yet on Mozzilla Firefox i don't have it . Hmmm. Danny.
  12. It states what it is on the poster. But it's proper hardcore. None of this Happy Hardcore shite. Danny.
  13. I meant. Curiosity on who is going. Because we can meet before we go or something. Danny.
  14. Anyone from around Birmingham or surrounding area's going ? Is anyone going ? Danny.
  15. Lol. Ses the one thats never met me. Danny.
  16. Course i am. It's just your sarcasm is stupidly pathetic and annoying. So your telling me...I have never rode for longer than a week ? Your pathetic. Danny.
  17. I think you should shut the f**k up. Danny.
  18. It is when you have the biggest phobia of Aeroplanes ever. Danny.
  19. Own a Nissan Skyline GTR V-Spec 2. Break a world record of some kind. Ride every location in the UK. To own my own house. To have 2 Children. To get married. To see Enter Shikari and InFlames play live. To be successful in whatever i do. Some Un-Realistic ones: To be in a film. To meet Paul Walker (Dude out of The Fast And The Furious). To either go to or live in Miami. Thats about it. Danny.
  20. Zoo pads on a smooth rim. I wouldn't even entertain going back to a grind now i've tried that. Danny.
  21. Meh. I'd love to Bloody broken foot Some other time buddy. Danny.
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