Mark...Owned ? I didn't get owned at all. Your just arse licking like everyone else and you seriously think that all Chavs are dicks. Well news flash. They arn't all dicks and want to cause trouble. Just because they choose to dress how they do DOES NOT mean that they want trouble. Christ. Skaters and Bmx's are just as bad. They have a foul mouth and foul temper. I've been to skate parks to sit with freinds...You only have to so mcuh as look at them. They f**king jump down your throat. Emo's are mouthy f**kers aswell. You can't put everything on Chavs. It pisses me off so much. My cousins. Two of the nicest lads you will ever meet. Yeah they can fight. But they don't go looking for trouble. They listen to hardcore music etc. They wear rockport, lacoste etc. So they are Chavs because they wear a brand of clothing ? If so thats bang out of order and f**king pathetic. Danny.