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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. Hello all. Just a little update of the bike. New wheel build on the back (Well just new spokes and stripped the rim). Then just tightened everything up and a quick clean Big thanks to TartyBikes for the speedy delivery as usual. Finally built my first wheel Comments would be nice. Danny.
  2. Will be perfectly fine. Im running them cranks on a 1045 wheelbase Zoo python...No problems at all. Danny.
  3. That was amazing as usual... Mr Wheeler you better be at Birmingham. Amazing. Top bloke. Danny.
  4. Right it depends which doors of the Station you come out of...If you come out the front doors...you will be on like a main road and acroos the way is new Street gap...If you come out the back way, turn right and follow the road round. Meating place is in my first post. Just head for Victoria square Dannny.
  5. f**king hell i loved that. Truly amazing video. Wow...Keep it up man. Danny
  6. f**k me beautiful...That is super fit. Sex on wheels.com Danny.
  7. Dude. Snappel has a serious grudge against me. Don't listen to him. Egged will NOT be here i can guarantee that. So come on whatever bike you want. If you all want to start been funny about it then be my guest... Danny.
  8. Lol. Egged's in Amsterdam...Doubtful he's going to be here...even if he was in this country...he wouldn't know about this. Danny.
  9. All details people need to know for the ride are in the original first post. Come on. More Danny.
  10. Looks really really nice. Love the backwheel looks shit hot. Lovely looking bike. Good work. Danny.
  11. Danny Kearns


    Hmm. It's perfectly fine...I mean it's only a years difference...As long as she agree's to it and say's it's fine...Then there's no problems is there really ? Knowing Sophie though Nath...I personally don;t reckon she's like that at all...But to be honest...She could be. Fine in my opinion as long as she's ok with it . Danny.
  12. Deffinatly the Gu. Ko's bend Danny.
  13. Im all sorted for a wheel thanks to Willy Wonka...Legend. Danny.
  14. Anyone who is going this ride...Any of you got a Mod rear fixed wheel i can borrow for the day ? Will be a massive help or else i can't ride. Danny.
  15. Ok...Gone for the 3 cross earlier...ermm...the spokes are all different sizes . Im fooked. Danny.
  16. Yeah it's the one without the bashplate. You sold it to paddy didn't you ? Then he sold it to my mate from Stoke... Can see where the mounts have been ground off. Danny.
  17. Lol. Trials-Forum msn sort of thing ? Well. Smoke time then sleep time for me. Night all. Sleep well. Danny.
  18. Zoo Python is the nicer riding frame in my opinion...But everyone is different and feels better on different geometry etc. I only like the Zoo pythons from 2005 and lower. The 2006 and 2007 have both felt awful. Monty's have always felt to light and short for my liking. It's all a case of what you feel comfortable on. Danny.
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