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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. Ride was ace. Still couldn't ride how i wanted to. Couldn't sidehop because knee kept giving way. But could gap fine but overall a awesome ride. Was nice to see some old faces and new ones. Some good riding going down Thanks alot everyone who turned up Danny.
  2. Man it's early ! Weather looks all good. Canna' wait. See you all there Danny.
  3. f**k sake. Thats pissed me right off. Danny.
  4. PM'd the guy above my number. See you all in the morning. All excited Im off the bed. Hope to see you all there Danny x
  5. By far !. When on E's...If you don't drink enough water you dehydrate, if you drink to much you flood your brain. Cocaine...There are no real side effects...1 line roughly buzz's you for about 30 mins. You can't flood your brain or dehydrate on it...Well i certainly never have had any problems with the stuff...Yet i've known mates to be rushed into hospital through E's. I really don't like E's at all. They scare me. Cocaine is just something for raves and Football matches. Danny.
  6. Paul and Sharks Shrek 2's Playstation's Ferrari's E's mean anything to you ? Loads of people round my area are on them...They sell from about £2.50 upwards...Never touched em though...Never will. Cocaine is as high as it gets. Danny.
  7. Someones going be bitter if one of us wins Danny.
  8. If any one wins...Anybody gonna pay Danny And Tom's server bills etc for tf for however long its gonna be around ? Also...Someone buy myspace !!! Danny.
  9. f**k me thats nice. Whats bars are they ? Look really long and with a nice rise ! Excellent. Wow ! Danny.
  10. Agreed Football Factory for the win. Did anybody watch "The Real Football Factory" that was on TV not so long ago ? That was amazing. Might join in with some of these scraps with the Naughty 40 when im a little older. Be abit of fun. Danny.
  11. I couldn't make head nor tale of it. Too complex IMO. Danny.
  12. Can we have confirmation on who defiantly going please ? Danny.
  13. Indeed they are. Headcase's i tell theee. Danny.
  14. I ran Old style zoo bars with a T-master on my Zona. It soon become far to high. So i went to a Zoo! stem and zoo Bars. Best set up i've ever used. Danny.
  15. The Naughty 40 is are Football firm. We had a game at home once. Saw all the firm walking away form the ground...Decided to follow...Followed them onto this car park...Other firm was waiting at the end...We dived in the nearest bush and watched and decided to throw rocks . Love watching fighting...Was a reet' good scrap. Danny.
  16. I do hope...If someone did it Intentionally...Bleeding or not bleeding...You kicked the living f**k through them ? If you were knocked out...I'll understand Get better PLEASE Danny xxx
  17. Meh ill have a few goes...Got more chance of platting piss than winning though. I'd buy: A holiday to some where nice for about 4 months. A really nice car. A van for riding and getting bikes about. A few houses in a few cities. A house abroad. Make sure my family was ok for money. Pay my mum and dads mortgage off and buy them both a new car and re-decorate all the house. A few new bikes. Bout 10. Buy close mates all a few bikes. Buy Tartybikes. Open a business. I could go on forever. Danny. EDIT: And yes Poopie...A shit load of Cocaine...Rave on
  18. What on earth is wrong with Silver ? Danny.
  19. But what if it's dealt through msn and BOTH the buyer and seller are forum members ? Danny.
  20. I used OnzaBoyMarks guide...Before you de-build the wheel your going to be using...Check how many spokes it crosses over before it goes into the hole...That way you will know how many crosses to build it. I built my first ever wheel last night...It's not as hard as i thought it's actually piss easy if you've got patience. My result was this : Thats a 3 cross build. 32 hole. Just remember when tensioning...do the same amount of turns on each spoke till it eventually gets tight...Just keep going round say doing 3 full turns on each. Good luck. Any problems PM me. Danny.
  21. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=78348 Do mine for me Please Tom...References are not valid without a URL....What if all communication was done over msn ? Danny.
  22. First ride after the injury is this Saturday in Birmingham. So we'l see how it goes Cheers for all comments so far. Danny.
  23. Me and Pekr are going if he's driving by then. I thought it was only 18 to fly ? Danny.
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