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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. Zoo are the only pads that should be used on a smooth. Dany.
  2. You don't have speak to anyone. It just regenerates a valid code for me everytime when i select that option. Danny.
  3. I think it's more along the lines of if he's going into depth about warez stuff but to be fair. He's only asking for the serial code. If people start slapping links in here to warez site's then yeah. Danny.
  4. Jesus That last clip Respect. Danny.
  5. I had to cash mine at the Bank . Someone told me you can do them instantly at the Post Office. Apparently not. Danny.
  6. Hey all. Curious really. What are your plans for New Year ? Any partys ? Cousins phoned be about an hour ago seeing if i want go a house party. But not sure. Fancy a quiet one. How about you lot ? Danny.
  7. Exact same as Zoo python 05 but with shorter stays and Zona's are strong as fook. Danny.
  8. 1045 Wheelbase +55bb 72 head angle (i think) 365mm or 362mm chainstays. Danny.
  9. £50 for a second hand 04 Magura . Jeez. Danny.
  10. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Rear-Magura-Hs33-Bik...1QQcmdZViewItem Lmao. He cant be for real ? Danny.
  11. ROFLMFAO. Thats made my shit night amazing. Sigged. Danny.
  12. Right people. I know this is ages away. But. I want a big Sheffield ride. The reason for the date been so far away is because, I have to give atleast 4 weeks notice to work to be able to have a day off, im sure others do aswell. It also gives people change to get money to together/transport sorted etc. Now: Meeting Date: Saturday 16th Febuary 2008. Meeting Place: Sheffield Train Station Doors. Meeting Time: 11:00 - 11:30 Riders So Far: Danny Kearns. Just post a reply or whatever and i'll add your name to the list. Come on people. Lets make it huge. Danny.
  13. When going through a parents insurence. There no claims are above your head aswell. Unless your dad has protected no claims, if you have a accident he will loose his no claims if there not protected. They reccomend you start of no yuor own so you will build up your no claims for yourself. But the issue about your dad still owning the van means nothing. Its just your dad adding another car to his insurence with him been the maion driver and you as the other one. It works out cheaper for you. But it's not benificial for in the long run. Danny.
  14. Liked it. Editing was good. Riding was nice. Overall a great video. Nice work dude Danny.
  15. Legend. Got msn to send it me ? Danny.
  16. Song anyone ? Well catchy Danny.
  17. + One f**k off Train Journey for the people who normally go the Leeds one. Danny.
  18. Shall i just print screen my dvd's folder on my pc ? Danny.
  19. Sheffield isnt just the same is it. It's just there's f**k all in leeds. Danny.
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