I've been twatted by a lad who was 5ft 3 and about 9 stone yeah. The lad was extremly quick and powerful and wouldn't give up no matter how hard i hit him. Yet i've beat lads who are the same height and weight as him. It varies. Im just saying. Size doesn't mean a ANYTHING. I'll admit now, i can fight yeah and i can also take a beating. But im better at taking a beating than i am fighting, which if you think about it, is a good thing, If you let the person beat the shit out of you, there gonna' tyer the shit out of themselves and then you can retaliate. It's all a case of how you see fighting and how you fight. But i've whitnessed and been in many of fights. Size means nothing. Disagree with me all you want because you think i don't know anything because im a 16 year old kid, well, i've seen and done alot for a 16 year old "kid". Danny.