Had 5 fights...One of them resulted in me been rushed to hospital, stabbed me in the leg with a screw driver, then headbutted me and dragged my face along a brick wall. They still excluded me for it. 1 Week exlusion for each of the fights. Was late for school one day, the headteachers decides to tell me "its becoming a regular thing me been late" i goes "Yeah and what ?", he goes "Im sorry ?" i goes "yeah you heard, f**k off". One week exclusion. 25 of us got caught smoking weed in the top woods, was hilarious, once we were all stoned, went up the shop, got SHIT LOADS of food, went back to the woods, eating the food, next minute, couple of teachers come and see us all sitting there munching, everyone's got red eye to the max, next minute everyone starts pissing themself and we all get dragged in front of the headteacher, still stoned as feck. 2 weeks exclusion for each of us. There's probably some small one's that got me like 2-3 days exclusion but there the main ones. Danny.