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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. Me and Chris will be ta Victoria Square for 11:00. Danny x
  2. It is Bigmans !. Bigman was telling me it was going to be something special and oh my god, it's just that. Looks amazing and looks really light !!! Danny.
  3. Best video in the world. Ever. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  4. Yup. Everytime i go on a light bike. I get scared. 'Shit somethings gonna' break'. I can't actually do anything on a light bike. When i gap, on a light bike, it just flys from underneath me. My bike has to be heavy lol. Danny.
  5. They don't find it cute. They find it as a relief, because if it's their first time and they don't know what there doing, they won't look like a tit. . True fact. Danny.
  6. Thats Damon on stock. Billocks isn't that tall Danny.
  7. Well i've orderd one so meh. Only difference is, It's the 2007 model, It's drilled and 5mm wider. Ill blag the build somehow Danny.
  8. Hey, Just brought a Profile wheel. Its a profile hub on one of the old un-drilled Kris Holm rims. Now, im gonna' be needing change the rim on it cause it's abit battered. So, I was wondering if the spoke lengths will be ok on the new 2007 Drilled Kris Holm rim ? Danny.
  9. Come on. Go easy. Grant's a nice lad. The one's who are like "Ohhh wait till the cheque's cleared he's dodgy", your all to bias on internet judgements. I've met Grant and ridden with him on a few occasions. Ben this is decent of you indeed. What other people are posting is not needed. Danny.
  10. May i question the need of why ? And how a headset is going to make a 'Massive' difference in the weight of your bike ? Danny.
  11. Same. Been running a Fsa Orbit ever since i started riding. Never had any problems with it and i give my front end some shit. Expensive and light headset = OTT and not needed. Danny.
  12. Beast video. Really enjoyed that alot. Your bieks far to short for you though. Keep it up Danny.
  13. Them forks are more like £10,000 arn't they Danny ? Pritty sure you and a few others have mentioned that figure. Danny.
  14. f**k knows. Random song called "Track 2" in my music folder. My god, It's addictive as fook. Had it on past few hours ! Danny.
  15. Your getting good . Keep it up. New video should be good. Danny.
  16. Got more chance of getting shit out of a rocking horse than Neil hooking it. DW on the other hand.... Danny.
  17. LMAO. Spose. Anyone else still Hungry ? That didn't fill me Danny.
  18. Dunna start with the dogs. They just destroy threads and are extremley annoying. Danny.
  19. How the f**k has an Earthquake turned into a discussion about the rape of mystic meg, Court, Food and other shit Lmao Legend thread. But really. More earthquake Danny.
  20. Thought it was an orgasim at first. With porn been on tv an all. Danny.
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