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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. Well, if i link you to his Myspace, he has a video on there of him running around in the snow, in just his boxer shorts, with his mate...Porn won't be tolerated on this forum
  2. It's not the price thats concerning me. People still have plenty of time to book this off work, we can not however, change the ways trains run on a Sunday. To be perfectly honest, I don't wanna be stuck all the way down in Abingdon, because my train got cancled. Was Saturday last year ? Just keep it same, Was well looking forward to coming this, but seems diff this year.
  3. Hey guys, Just got my Echo External BB off a friend in the post. Only problem is the cups on the BB wont pull off, Ive even hit it with a hammer it wont move, the wierd thing is, he was using the BB before he sent it me Any idea's ?
  4. Danny Kearns


    Correcting people's spelling on MSN. Biteing nails. My bedroom HAS to be tidy. Smoking. Sleeping, by god, im shit, takes me about 4 hours to get to sleep, but once im asleep it's reall hard to wake up. My back brake, my brake has to be perfect or else i get pissy and can't ride. Abusing chavs in my local town for the due fact of them just been there. Dwelling on the past. I do it far to much, Must be the reason im so depressed. I always have the be colour co-ordinated. Making sure shoes are clean. Damn im terriable for that. Been either too late or too early.
  5. Trains are also super dodgy on sundays. Wasn't it on a Saturday last year. Surely fort williams on the same time every year, so i really dont see the problem Sunday will be a nightmare.
  6. That was Awesome. Really enjoyed that. Some well good riding going down.
  7. First one i've seen and liked !!! Nice work.
  8. Correct me if im wrong. But 40G packs of Tobacco don't exsist. I just thought it was 12.5, 25 and 50. Can we just get something straight. There's nothing good about smoking so i don't know why your boasting.
  9. You've got some cheek boy. All that about the college and grades is horse-shit. I don't cause arguements, I just can't stand people who think there hard cause they smoke n get kicked out of school etc. For god sake grow up. You've not been around long enough to even know what im like.
  10. This pathetic. You don't sound hard nor good. Explain...If he got kicked out of school, How's he got the grades get into College ? No-one can 'just go for a fag' when they like. That's not how the world works im affraid.
  11. How is that possiable. If you were born in 1992. You can't have left school yet. So your smoking foreign fags then are you. Thats even worse. Dude, Its actually not possiable. The price isn;t the main concern, it's the actual smoking 40 fags a day. let me tell you why. Your at school which i know you are. So you have maybe 1-2 at school. So you get home from school around 4ish, say you got bed at 12. Thats 6-7 fags per hour, On avarage it takes 5-10 mins to smoke a fag. Do the maths, that means you would be constantly smoking from when you got in from school till you go bed. LOL
  12. As if. Thats exactly how i ride for each weather condition, how strange.
  13. Im sorry. From your posting. Your not a smoker, you really don't realise how many 40 a day is, seriously, that would take some doing and alot of money. Bare in mind. Thats £10 a day !. With him been at school, there's no way on this planet he can afford that. Im not causing an arguement and to be honest, im still on topic, your just trying to make me look a fool. Seriously, just think 40 fags a day, Bloody hell.
  14. Bullshit. At the age of 16 you wouldn;t be able to afford 40 fags a day. Cause of your Birth year your also at school so thats impossiable.
  15. If your email address represents how old you are...If your on 20-30 fags a day...You've got serious issue's.
  16. Dude. We requested for Dan to make them. It wasn't Dan's idea lol. Keep on topic everyone.
  17. I should hope no-one can smoke me to be honest. Anyways. I didn't mean add me to msn lol. I meant take your convo to msn what you were having with your mate that was completly off topic.
  18. Im impressed Nice work buddy.
  19. Im hopeing there gonna' look just like Deng's. After all, thats what everyone wants.
  20. I could quit if i wanted to. You've gotta' want to do soemthing to be able do it. I enjoy a smoke. That's the reason i havn't stopped. Anyone can quit smoking if they want to. Remember...You've gotta' really want to do it.
  21. Happy Birthday Slagggggggggggggggggggggg Ride soon man. xx
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