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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. I feel that comment is true...If DK turns up...On Control
  2. Stoke-On-Trent on the way ? (No idea if it is or isn't)
  3. Because 10 pallets its pritty much the world record. Your 9ft has been beaten by easily over a ft. You can see in the video, you kick, your back wheel hits the curb and your wheel bounces up. As for "why didnt you just say nice gap", i never said it wasn't a nice gap. Im far from jelous, i can get close to that, but your cockyness in that video and you bigheadedness for posting a single clip up of you doing a gap is unreal. Jelousy, haha. Made my day Im sorry
  4. I know, It's hard life.
  5. Danny Kearns


    Remember the guy with the username "Snappel" and had the avatar of a guy pointing his finger ? Thats him.
  6. Tom you just made my day haha.
  7. Danny Kearns


    Look...Chatting shit again...You not listening to me boy ? Grow up
  8. Danny Kearns


    It would appear me and you feel the same way about this "Kool and the Gang" A.K.A - Snappel. I don't like you, never have, but your constant sarcastic replys and negative replys in pritty much every thread makes me think different, your a complete twat, I've never met you and i hope it stays that way, because i don't socialize with people like yourself. I've no idea how old you are, im guessing around 21, if so, grow the f**k up.
  9. Im really starting to hate a certain few members on here, you really are harsh.
  10. Danny Kearns


    Sounds fair enough to me. Couldn't ask for much more to be honest. Good man Beau
  11. Hey guys. Well, i've absolutely no idea how to use CAD and were gonna' be doing it at College in September, so thought i'd get to grips on how it works. Do any of you guys know of any good software, preferebly easy to use, tutorials for it aswell. If there's any free one's out there that are avaliable for download, that would be even better seeing as funds are low Help me out guys
  12. Im sorry to be an arse here...You proper stated it was 9ft in that video...You can gap 9ft...Your point is ? The rest of the things in trials, taps, sidehops, front wheel gaps, can they match the same ability as that, for example, if your gapping 9ft, im atleasy expecting 50" sides. You can gap, fair does, Plus, that curb gives abit of a kicker.
  13. I saw a post on here from a member a while back. was a real good one about this:
  14. My bad. But this is deffo the correct date: Owned
  15. Didn't knwo you could go on the Internet whilst night fishing..Reason been...You were talking to me around 3am last night.
  16. Nor is staying up till 8am, going sleep, waking up at 4pm, then going sleep at 6pm till 10pm
  17. May i ask why you went for something...That wasn't going to earn you a great deal of money in the future ?
  18. Out of curiosity...What is it your studying ?
  19. Understand Exactly what you mean. If you can save money, Part time is ideal, My friend is at Full time College, 5 days a week. He works a tuesday and wednesday night, 5-11 at Sommerfields petrol station. Brings home around £300 a month. Im taking into account that your behind on work, but the fact that your so close to finishing a course, if you get the work done, even if you have to stay in over summer, You can then next year start of the higher level corse instead of reapeating what you've already done, which in my opinion makes no sense. Were not exactly in summer yet, Weathers still shit in my opinion. I recko weather will get better in a month or so, So for the next month, why not knuckle down, get your work done, even ask for some extra help at College off your tutor etc ? I know there's your freedom and fun to take into account, but you've also got to consider your future, I know your not dropping out fully, Im just saying. If you think it's gonna' be in your best interest to drop out and go into work and start again in September, then go for whats going to benifit YOU most, After all it's your life, You do whats best for you.
  20. Hmm, It depends, Don't you like break up for the summer hols in 2-3 months ? Thats not along time really, Have you considered part time work ? It all depends what you want, I went into full time work because i wanted to, Fair does, Ive now got two trials bike, top pc, nice clothes, nice phone, xbox etc. but i havn't really achieved anything, All i did when i was in full time work was look at the clock and think, WTF . So now i've got everything i want, Decided i wanna do something with my life, So im going College, By all means drop out, then go back in September, If thats what you wanna do
  21. I come straight out of school and into full time work. Biggest mistake of my life, Its the most soul Distroying thing in the entire world, I'm guessing your 18/19 years old. A lad of that age shouldn't be stuck in a full time job at that age, you should be out there having fun, studying at College etc. Stay at college man, Can get your motorbike and all that stuff after you've qualified in whatever your doing, when you have about 50 times more money than what you would earn if you went into a full time retail job. Why am i up, well to be honest, Xbox 360's, headphones with palylist is on, Tf is on other screen, I probs just don't wanna go sleep. P.S - Does anyone know any good software for learning CAD, Maybe some tutorials to go with the software ?
  22. Pritty much Shaun . Prison break addict right here. It actually facinates me. Can't wait to go to college and start learning it. LMFAO
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