Understand Exactly what you mean. If you can save money, Part time is ideal, My friend is at Full time College, 5 days a week. He works a tuesday and wednesday night, 5-11 at Sommerfields petrol station. Brings home around £300 a month. Im taking into account that your behind on work, but the fact that your so close to finishing a course, if you get the work done, even if you have to stay in over summer, You can then next year start of the higher level corse instead of reapeating what you've already done, which in my opinion makes no sense. Were not exactly in summer yet, Weathers still shit in my opinion. I recko weather will get better in a month or so, So for the next month, why not knuckle down, get your work done, even ask for some extra help at College off your tutor etc ? I know there's your freedom and fun to take into account, but you've also got to consider your future, I know your not dropping out fully, Im just saying. If you think it's gonna' be in your best interest to drop out and go into work and start again in September, then go for whats going to benifit YOU most, After all it's your life, You do whats best for you.