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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. I started one a few months ago (Damon, Tunnicliffe and CLS). Never got round to finishing it. Can finish it and release if you want ?
  2. I use the Giro Xen. Comfy, Light and in my opinion, was worth the £70, keeps your had cool when riding aswell.
  3. There's a few topics about it Abdab. Deng has confirmed it's gonna be very similar to the 2005 model. No drawings as of yet, apparently were gonna' see pictures or whatever, sometime this month or next. Keep your eyes peeled
  4. I normally just pay the money into their bank account.
  5. Few sidehop clips from today if you want a look: Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  6. It would appear so wouldn't it . Ahh well, sleeping is a waste of your life.
  7. The freewheel will fit fine with the Echo Cranks. I think stock gear ratio with a 16 tooth freewheel is 16:14 ? You will need a 127.5 or a 128 length axle. I reccomend the Truvativ giga pipe DH. Availiable at Either Tartybikes or Trials -UK
  8. Frame: Echo Control 2006 Long Forks: Zoo! 07 Reverse Maggy mount. Headset: Random Stem: Control Bars: 2004 Zoo! Bars Front wheel: 2005 Echo CNC rim on a echo none disc hub, Random tyre Rear wheel: Hope pro 2 2007 on a 2007 echo rim, Maxxis Hansventure tyre Cranks: Echo CNC Bash: Zoo Cog: Plaz Pedals: DMR V8's BB - Toxsin Chain: KMC Brakes - Front and rear 04 maggys. Frame: 2005 Zoo! Python Long Forks: KO Headset: FSA Stem: Echo Team Bars: 2004 Zoo bars Front wheel: Echo 2007 rim on Echo None disc hub, Maxxis creepy front tyre Rear wheel: Try-all Hub on a Alex dx32, Maxxis creepy tyre Cranks: Echo CNC Bash: GU Freewheel: Tensile Pedals: Onza Shin Dig BB: Truvativ Giga Pipe DH Chain: KMC Brake: Front and Rear 04 Maggys
  9. I couldn't be arsed to read all of this topic, Got to page 2 and got so angry with you Fat Pants. If i repeat anything thats been said im sorry. Right. I come out of Year 11 with these GCSE results: R.E - U I.C.T - U Science single award - F German - E English - D English Literature - U Product Design (D+T) - C Leisure and Tourism double award - G G Mathematics - E I thought "f**k it", went into full time 40 hours a week, working on a checkout at Sainsburys. Didn't give a shit about school and to be honest, pissed about and couldn't be arsed. After around 20 weeks at Sainsburys, I found out the management are complete arseholes, didn't give a shit about you, just money money money. After these 20 weeks i seriously felt like topping myself. So i quit. I've now put an application in to start college in September "BTEC First national diploma in constuction", ill do that for a year, then move onto "BTEC national diploma in constuction" for two years. Then i head off to uni for however long, But who gives a shit, Ill be what 22/23 when im qualified, at UNI im taking "Structual engineering", in that job, your either working in a office of a computer, out on site talking to the people, travelling, doing quotes, there's so mcuh variation and if you happen to become a really good structual engineer, it can pay anything up to £8000 a month. Thats serious money. I dont even know what it would be if you owned your own company. Dead end jobs in a bike shop or anywhere are not the way to go. You think to yourself "Ive got to do this for the next 50 years". I've expirienced this and trust me, its hit me like a ton of bricks. Just think to yourself: Do i wanna' be working in something thats not gonna kill me off early, earning £4000 a month, company car, phone and laptop. Monday - Friday 9-2 Or Do i wanna be working in a bike shop/any retail, killing myself off, earning £400 a month, paying for your own car, phone and laptop, monday - saturday 9-6. Put it this way. I've chosen mine.
  10. How can you even remotely say thats true ? If your bolts are tight then how can they move, if that was the case, Magura's would be supplied with 4 bolt boosters.
  11. This gonna sound proper noobish. Which side of the crown race should be facing towards the bottom of the headset ?
  12. Ive found crown races dont fit on the 07 forks because they get wider around the bottom ?
  13. Thats was great. Enjoyed that, had a nice sense of humour to it also. Keep it up buddy
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