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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. Get the one that looks like a mini Kot Ms2: This one: Tartybikes
  2. Never heard of personal preference. That comment you have just stated. Would be like saying, "I dont think there's a best between, Zoo, Adamant, Echo, Gu and Czar because they each have their ups and downs. In MY OPINION which im very entitled to. Liverpool are the best team out their.
  3. Everybody makes mistakes...Don't care who you are.
  4. Sounds like a faulty pair. I'll speak to either Kris or Boumsong for you and see what i can get sorted out, Do you still have your set of Neco's, if you could send them back we can see how much life has been lost in the time that you have had them. Something isn't right, The yellows should be fine on a dead grind . Hmmm, I'll see what can be done.
  5. Liverpool = Best team EVER.
  6. The pads are specifically designed for LIGHT grinds if were discussing the yellows. You can stick a harsh grind on all you want, fair enough you braking performence will be amazing but the wear life will be terriable, You do they same with Plaz Crm's, you'll find the same result. If your using a Try-all rim, they don't hold grinds very well anyways, so a harsh grind on a Try-all rim would only last about a week. Any problem Email NecoPads. Kris will help you out if there's a problem.
  7. Mat why do you have to ruin EVERY topic with this " Oh yeah sick blud safe", shut the f**k up, you sound pathetic. My hairs long and f**ked up at the moment, I just stick hat on when im out, or have helmet on when riding and you can't really tell difference . But i do need to get something sorted, I've just got generally thick hair, thinned and styled i reckon ? Or go back to old days, Grade 1 all over
  8. It varies i suppose, how harsh you smack the actual frame on walls, how big you go, how old it is, how many people have owned it etc.
  9. All the 2006 Pythons had Cls stickers on, thats why the 2006 model was called "CLS Zoo! Python"
  10. Frames are flexier than the 2005 model because the tubeing is thinner. Numerous people have cracked them. But, they ride nicer than the 07
  11. Reminded me of NMC: "fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh?" madness Thought it was quite good to be honest.
  12. Pritty much 3rd day of riding it dude. Thanks for all comments
  13. Weather was awesome last year. I don't do comps, But if Rob Poyser goes again on either days, Ill come along with him.
  14. Im sure he was pleased, as im sure all photographers would be. But do people think Photography is something free ? These people have to make some money. Stefan was quite clearly stating he wants some recognistion next to his work or remove the images, It's quite simple to be honest. Its like on my myspace, I state who took the photo and if it's edited, who edited it. Abit of recognition for someone producing a decent photo of you doing something you love is not hard to give. Back to comments on Danny's website.
  15. The problem with that debate Ben. Danny Was fully clothed, So nothing sexual can be done with the images. It's not like Danny's Gonna' say, No don't take pictures of me riding my bike is it ? Nah didn't think so. Stop been a bitch, follow the rules of Copyright and move on, Everyone that is.
  16. Hey guys. Wanna' get a ride going for my Birthday, seeing as my Birthday is the 27th which is a Tuesday and people are at school etc, I'd have it a few days before on the Saturday. So, I've chose Leicester seeing as thats my favorite riding place. Meeting Place: Crown Court (Literally across the road as you walk out station doors) Meeting time: 10:00 - 10:30 Meeting Date: Saturday 24th May 2008 LEICESTER WEATHER FORCAST CLICK ME Riders: Danny Kearns + (Dave Moores, Tom Taylor, Tom Amesbury and Ginge) Owen Slug Mr Fish Pagie155 Mike Hayes Reinold Jonny MC Bigman Benjaminge B.E.A.U Mr Ailsbury Boumsong Shaun H KrisBoats Ky-All Trials Ginger Wayne Dec Karl Butcher Come along guys . Leicester really is amazing for riding. Thanks, Danny.
  17. Jonny are you pissed Lmao ? 27th May isn't a Sunday. Lmao, Its a Tuesday.
  18. I actually went like this - f**king amazingly nice.
  19. Which clip was it Bill ? Upload it ?
  20. Currently using Neco Yellows on the front, Waiting for Kris to send me some more material for the rear, on the rear at the moment is new Zoo! in cnc.
  21. Hey guys, was gathering footage for new video on Control today, found out i had enough for a video, so made one. Im going to make a really long one over summer so you won't see much for a while. I thought the song was jolly so used it Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload Enjoy, All comments welcome.
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