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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. Truth. Mechs for the win. Give the best chain tension over any 74kingz, rolhoff malarky.
  2. Its because he his so young he's got more chance of getting sponsored. Anyways kiddo. Soem sick riding, song suited well, some nice technical moves in there. Keep it up
  3. Techincally speaking i havn't broke a bone this time Billateral ligament rupture and the NHS isn't treating me for this one
  4. Danny Kearns


    I dont get it, i've got broken ankle yet i still manage to get to the post office He's wierd.
  5. Sorry it come across that way man . I didn't realise the circumstances. Im not accusing you of anything.
  6. Self confidence never hurt anyone
  7. That was good Joe, enjoyed that man Even though we have History, both bad and good. Through all the arguements, im still gonna' wish you a goodbye and the best luck ever with what you've decided to do. Hope you enjoy it and someday you can ride Bike-Trials again Take it easy buddy.
  8. Havn't even got a provisional, how do i get one ? How much ?
  9. Shame he doesn't share the same great skill on a bike Messing mate, Have a brilliant day Happy Birthday.
  10. Once you heard the words stolen, you should of just took it off him and then posted on any dirt jump forums etc that you took it off a chav that said it was stolen from such and such area. Meh, perhaps you cba
  11. Well, when i come first ever time, we went LOADS more spots than what we did Saturday.
  12. Lmao, Fail uni Kris mate, why did you take us the COMPLETE wrong way roudn Leicester ?
  13. Can't sleep for shit. Bottle of beer, 20 smokes, headphones on, dance tunes as loud as possiable, Birthday today, all familys coming round later, getting completly batterd tomorrow night. If i buzz anymore you might aswell call me a bee, talk people xx
  14. Hey guys. The heatsink guide for doing this only shows it by setting the oven in degree's. My oven is set on gas mark. What gas mark should i put it on for removing material from plastic backings ? Let the oven heat up first and then put them in or just put them straight in ? How long should i leave them ?
  15. Bit of bump. But: How have people found the performence of this set up ? Type of grind ? Tar ? etc
  16. Send you your stuff What parts do i owe you
  17. Yes i have had to deal with them, out down town their a nightmare, they knock your drink out your hand or whatever, ends up in a little scrap maybe, never hurt anyone. Bit of fun, all part of the process of been young in my opinion. I love Hardcore music, its my life, yet i love full on screemo stuff, R&B, everything else. I certainly don't know what club you Bouncer on, but a decent Hardcore club does not have that kind of stuff on. I know alot of chavs who are really nice people, thats why i am far from biased against them.
  18. I didnt want to get into this topic nor this debate, just because they like a different style of music and don't act the same as you, makes them "Scum" ? Your just too narrow-minded. "If someone likes dance music, there a chav", most pathetic accusation ever. Exactly.
  19. Ohhh f**k off, i told him his riding was improving, what more due want me do, whipe his arse and lie about editing ? No, shut it, Im entitled to an opinion.
  20. Ben mate, I'll give you your due, you can ride a bike. But that video was terriable mate Editing and song just didn't go with riding, it was liek meh. But video's are about the riding and your deffo improving, keep it up dude
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