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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. I still have it, friends need them thats all.
  2. Obvious isn't it really. I can no longer get them ?
  3. 1. Flaming Minimum Penalty - 1 Warning Point While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts. Hit the nail on the head there friend.
  4. If you are 100% sure it's this guy who has the bike. I mean 100% SURE and the police won't do anything. Then it's time to get physical i'm affraid. It's won't be hard to 'attempt' to batter someone if they have your bike, im not saying you will beat the guy or whatever because i don't even know you. But atleast f'in try, i wouldn't even bother getting friends/family involved if i was gonna' hit someone to get my OWN bike back. Too much shit for them to be honest, get a friend to talk to him about it, he arranges the meet, YOU go to the meet, as soon as you see him holding the bike, literally run up to him and smash him as hard as you can...He will probably fall down and you've got your bike
  5. Mint, found mighty boosh to watch online, gonna watch some of that 'n' go sleep. Laters all x
  6. Hey guys, out of curiosity. Has anyone ever used these ? Site Any feedback if there safe etc
  7. Is it that bad ? Going out with a girl tomorrow and she wants see that....
  8. Rock blue's were insanely good on my medium sharp grind. Really loud, bitey as fook and great hold
  9. That was good man, enjoyed that Keep it up. Would like a full on street video of you
  10. wtf, trying get a decent answer of people on this forum is like trying get shit out of a rocking horse. Pathetic.
  11. Hey guys, Right. On average, how much due think this would cost to get done ?
  12. Loved it That was awesome Looked like good fun, gonna' have go there for a session
  13. Happening people ? Damn, i don;t know why i do this, sit up, always feel like shit in't morning, ahh well
  14. One hell of a bump this is friend As for Zoo! pads. There discontinued now. However, a website somewhere have probably got some.
  15. Oh my god, as if he rode along that bridge, total headcase.
  16. I beg to differ However, You sir are an idiot for doing that Lmao.
  17. I've done cocaine once. Was damn amazing, never felt so good in my life. It can;t kill you and makes you feel amazing. Reason for not ever doing it again...Far to expensive
  18. LMFAO at the flowers bit, proper made me laugh. Nice work
  19. Hey guys. Video of my friend. Some of the filming done by me, the editing by him. File size is rather large cause cba compress it. Overall a really nice video http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/Control-Trials Filename - "Linkin Park Edit" Comments would be minters Trials-Forum Video ->Full View • Download • Upload
  20. Im guessing, he has what the majority of under age people have. Fake provisional drivers license's. I knwo mine works everytime. It cost me £35, but i don't care. However, in my opinion, you do have to look remotely old for them to be convincing.
  21. Aslong as you kept it then f**k me
  22. Yeah, it's shpwing that all chit-chat topics are in NMC
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