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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. Well guys i can not make it on the 21st i am working please go on sunday. Dan !
  2. Anymore come on lets get a big ride going, lets make it a good one shall we boys and girls. !? Dan !
  3. Hi mate, If i was you i would take a visit to tarty bikes and take a look at the plazmatic crm's or if you are not sure: e-mail them telling them what rim you are running and wether you are running a ground rim or a smooth rim and if its a fairly harsh grind or not a very rough grind and they should recomend some pads for you. Dan !
  4. Hi guys have any of you got the artist and name of the song for me.? Dan !
  5. Well "Mr ailsbury" who is a member on here and he can do 45 inches to 2 wheels and he ahs been riding around 2 years. Dan ! p.s The worlds biggest sidehop is by benito ross and it is 61 inches actually.
  6. Hi guys what i am about to tell you is not about me its a mate who did this !. Right he was just about to drop of 5 and half ft, he got to the edge and lowered his front end went for kick and then he realised the chain had come off. But it was to late for him to do anything about it and so he face planted the floor and he smashed his bollox in the stem. Oh and he got a nice cut on his face to go with that lol. Dan !
  7. Hey mate even thow i live no where near you i will still keep my eyes open for you and i hope you get it back, because i bet you are lost without your bike. p.s some pictures would be helpful. Dan !
  8. Well mate if you are thinking that getting validated is hard, think again because i got validated in 1 day with 8 posts and it was all in one topic read through mine and thats how i got validated mate. the topic i replied in to get me validated lol ! Dan !
  9. Danny Kearns


    Well that video is absolutly f***n psycho, really enjoyed that. Editing was good and song choices were great. Dan !
  10. I disagree mate very very strongly, Greenstreet is the ultimate street fighting and football hooligan style film mate. Dan ! p.s- learn how to spell !
  11. yeh see what i can do mate. Anyway are you coming the nottingham ride on the 22nd of this month, because me and a few of my mates are going.? Dan !
  12. Might join you on it, not to sure though. Dan !
  13. Cheers rob and i most certainly will not forget the new members, always like to give a helping hand and same to you have a good 2006 and hopefully get yourself validated. Dan !
  14. "onza t-pro rob". what you could do to help with your "switching" is first find a nice road with not much traffic and do a "gap to frontwheel". What the gap to front wheel is.? You start on your backwheel and pedal kick to some where on the road lets start at say 4ft. Then you kick and go on to your front wheel and realease your front brake and roll through and try and flick the back end through and not just slam it down it will get your practise in for switching. Thats all mate. Dan !
  15. Dont worry mate i will not and sorry "JT" just got a bit over excited thats all sorry. Dan !
  16. Hi mate could you do me a sticker like what craigleescott did that "baby pitbull one and the rest of the set as well.? Dan !
  17. Thanks alot to all the administrators and moderators, i have just realised i am validated, Cheers and all the best and have a happy 2006. Dan !
  18. Danny Kearns


    Downloading now, sounds good from some of the replies and will add my thoughts once downloaded and watched. At the miniute i have still got 40 minuites left lol. Dan !
  19. Hi guys, looks like a pritty cool ride you had there. That drop off them pallets is f****g huge and the rest of the pictures look pritty sweet aswell. Nice pictures lads, keep it up ! . By the way how did joe crack his frame by doing a bunnyhop.? Dan !
  20. Ah right it's running on magura oil is it. Try re-bleeding your brake with water, because i personally find it better than magura oil. Then set your brake up fairly close to the rim and adjust your TPA back in so the pads are now close to your rim. Then test your brake and if its still slipping, There could be magura oil on your pads or your grind is not very good, Not to sure though you would have to give it a go and then reply back. Dan !
  21. "jay jay". Take it halfords for them to do what?. We have not even sorted out what the problem is yet. Plus there is no need for halfords do it yourself i do. Dan !
  22. Right, How old is the magura ?. Because if it's fairly old your master cylinder could be working a bit rough and not functioning properly so that could be affecting your brake. Also about the new wheel and grind you may have to give time for your brake to bed in and get used to your grind and pads. What is your brake bled with by the way and what kind of hosing are you running.? Dan !
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