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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. 40 already oh well . No only jokin. Deep down inside i still cant belive he is only 17 with that much ability and confidence in his riding its . Well anyways happy birthday porter and keep up the good work. Cheers !
  2. Really nice video there man, some absolutly psycho riding and that last drop off that rail at the end . Loved the song, great editing kept it ncie and simple. Spot on. Cheers !
  3. Neil tunnicliffe's engage video is in there. http://tv.isg.si/site/?q=filebrowser/Nezza File name -NeilTengageclothin.wmv Cheers !
  4. Hey there matey, i am really sorry for your loss, really really sexual bike aswell. i live really really far away from you but i will keep a look out, i was also keep an eye out on ebay. My mates had there bikes tooken off them by chavs and it wasnt a pritty site over 2 grand worth of bikes still out there with scum bags on them. I was thinking is there anybody you can think of who lives reasonably close who has a grudge against you for something.? If so go check his house out, over night burgalry or something. Hope you get your bike back, really.! Cheers !
  5. Cheers guys. Nice and quick reply's, liking it.
  6. Are you 100% sure on that or is that a rough idea.? Cheers !
  7. Really sexual bike. But is that a dent in your front rim or is it just the angle of the picture.? Cheers !
  8. Hi there i am thinking of getting a tensile freewheel but seen as they are only avaliable in 18 tooth that will make my gearing to heavy for my liking. So i was wondering what size rear sprocket would i need to get so the gearing feels the same as how i am running now e.g acs 16tooth:12 tooth rear sprocket.? Cheers !
  9. Please can somebody tell me what he is doing in this picture, cause when looked at it it scared the shit out of me when i saw it then couldnt really work out what he was doing in the pic. Cheers !
  10. Danny Kearns

    kenny bailey

    From the album: Trials pics

    fuk noes
  11. My old avatar was of craigleescotts bike and i am guessing craigs g/f.? Couldnt be 100% sure though. Cheers !
  12. Sounds like a great freewheel but just one question: 1 - Will this freewheel be avaliable in 16 & 18 tooth.? Cheers !
  13. Danny Kearns

    Echo Team

    From the album: Trials pics

    Just an echo
  14. Danny Kearns


    From the album: Trials pics

    Just my zona
  15. You are goin sell that weed quicker than haribo at that price if you know the right people. I tell you. Cheers !
  16. It all depends on what type of weed it is wether it is skunk, resin, or super skunk.? But i guess you wouldnt have super skunk so i would say the average is about £25 for an ounce of skunk and about £30 for an ounce of resin. Cheers !
  17. Thank you, somebody with a sensible answer. Cheers !
  18. Could you all please be serious on this please, if you do not understand it then ask for more information dont take the piss alright. If you have nothing sensible or decent dont post. Cheers !
  19. What is your cpu speed and also what is your RAM ? Cheers ! p.s your computers f***ed
  20. Obviously you dont do gaming. Cheers ! p.s - whats with your avatar "trialsboy560" ?
  21. Hi there i would like a sig making please a.s.a.p, i no i posted another topic like this but i fancy a change. So i would like something along the lines of "Metal Gear Solid". Something like solid snake on the left , with say blue and white lightening coming up from the bottom right corner and spreading across the picture and then have the words ' Metal Gear Solid ' quite large on the top right in A white colour. Also could you make it inside these guidlines Height: 150 pixels Width: 500 pixels Size: 100 KB Cheers !
  22. Well i have a broken ankle so i will be upto my usual going round me sisiters and play on the xbox 360 with her boyfreind and probs have some beers and a smoke and i will probs have a little brows on t-f and the rest of the net. Cheers !
  23. PM sent. Also like the other design. You got msn.? If so post up ur addy. Cheers !
  24. Its for another forum not trials realated, it just focuses on movies, games, software and music. It uses hashes so then you can download stuff through a p2p . Its all legal and it has even been cleared by microsoft. Dan !
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