Right you ready. Me, mr_ailsbury, and two other mates went on our local ride. We get to our first spot where we always ride first. mr_ailsbury was filming me do a sidehop when 2 chavs and 5 chavets come over to us. The chavs asked for a go of my mates bikes and for some reason my two mates let them have a go. So fair enough they had a little ride round and just went around the corner on them and came back, very unusual i no. So then they handed the bikes back over and one of the chavs walked over two mr_ailsbury who was still filming me do a sidehop and the chav said "whats that your holding" . I was dying laugh but i wasnt up for getting stabbed to be honest and then he snatched the camera off mr_ailsbury and they literally pushed my two mates of there bikes and both of them jumped on one each also with mr_ailsbury's camera. They then darted off round the corner we chased after them but by the time we got round the corner we could not see them and there was 4 different routes they could of gone so it was a bit of a no win situation. Still no luck finding the bikes either, f**king £2000 down the drain, but my two mates are now back up and riding again, new bikes. Also heres a picture of a chav: Cheers !