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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. Danny Kearns

    Beau Video

    Awesome riding as usual mate We'll meet again someday Send me a message on myspace soon yeah ? Let me know what Anti-gravity trials is like up there R.I.P x
  2. Danny Kearns


    Starting light arrangements now. Anyone know very ROUGHLY how much its gonna cost me to rent for around: 5-6 skips 6-7 cotton reels Lets say 100 blue pallets Just need some rough figures so i can get myself sorted finacially.
  3. I generally can't understand how you found the end of Kidulthood wierd ? Sam was seeking revenge for them doing him over etc. He went at Trief with a baseball ball, took it abit too far and killed him, Like it states in Adulthood . Then it does follow on from Kidulthood in Adulthood, But around midway of the film, everything just goes on the piss and off storyline and nothing makes sense.
  4. Seriously Tom and the WHOLE of the cinema just sighed and said "what the f**k was that all about ?" and everyone walked out bitching.
  5. Danny Kearns


    Its probably not my doing to organise it but i really want too. If it's left to me because i don't mind the cost etc. If we can find a field i can hire/lend for the day than that will be amazing. Birmingham area because thats where he lived (I know he actually lived in Stourbridge, yet it's not exactly a massive place) Anyone's welcome of course Around August/September to so i can try and get something sorted and everyone else can book time off work, get everything organised. Anyone who wish's to help me out in anyway they wish would be appriciated yet not essential. R.I.P Mate.
  6. I think the majority of it was to do with Kidulthood been such a massive success. This really wasn't on the same wave length. Fair enough, the story line was great on how Sam was trying to change and become a better person and live a normal life. But they said this was the follow to Kidulthood, yet, nothing seemed to fit in my opinion and the ending, didn't understand it at all.
  7. Just got back from seeing Adulthood and jesus. What a complete and utter let down. I was so looking forward to this film and it was terriable Gutted.
  8. Danny Kearns


    Too many people will gather for something like this for it to be held in and town centre and as ALWAYS happen, the group splits up so it's pritty pointless
  9. Danny Kearns


    No i mean how DJ's is done. A field, Full of skips and pallets and cotton reals.
  10. Danny Kearns


    I must of had 50 phone calls at work today and i couldn't answer my phone, then got a few texts, asked my manager if i could see what had happend. Phoned Grant and i was expecting "Ohhh Beau's got a new sponsor" or some really good news. But know, I got told he had passed away and i just felt sick, Started crying and manager just said go have a fag and some dinner. I am gonna' miss you so much. We've had our ups and downs but it's what made us matey. I WILL MAKE SURE THERE IS A MEMORIAL RIDE FOR YOU, NO MATTER WHAT IT COSTS ME. May you rest in piece friend. Ahhh dude, keep watch on us yeah, Make sure we don't do anything stupid and have a word with DJ and Oli up there. Beau & No mypsace = Drastic Rest & Ride In Piece matey
  11. Using a grind makes any pads work done' it ?
  12. Good choice dude. These rim are extremly hard to dent, They also hold grinds amazingly. Really good stiff rim.
  13. Because if you can stretch your budget a little, I use one of these and there great. Got over 20,000 trials video's on mine, over 200 dvd rips, over 20,000 songs and around 5,000 photo's and still got loads of room. Well worth the money: External Hard-drive, Click me.
  14. Whay ROUGH size you looking at Dave ?
  15. Now now, Swearing isn't needed. Lucky man
  16. That is so baised it's un-real. It's a film, showing what the streets of London are like. There is not need what so ever for big technical words like which you have just used. But like i said, this is a discussion topic for people's opinion, regardless, it's not possiable for you to have seen it yet, so to be honest, i don't know how you can make a re-mark like you just have.
  17. http://www.adulthoodthemovie.co.uk/ Yeah so, this movie looks a right cracker, Off to watch it tomorrow night me thinks. Basically the topic for what people think it's gonna be like/what it is like if you've seen it. Basically, Discussion topic for it.
  18. Hey guys, just wondering if any of you guys know the email address for the owner of Kot bikes ? Thanks guys, Danny.
  19. Everyone i've seen of these i really havn't liked at all. But yours, is truely f**king amazing. Bet that rides like a dream.
  20. Phat pads will work in anything, even if your rim is caped in sludge and mud and its absolutely pissing it down, they'll work.
  21. I wouldn't dare leave my bike in a shed/garage. Mine stays in the house. Nowhere else.
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