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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. Danny Kearns


    When going for the tap, just lift up a bit earlyer than usual and just stare at the corner of the wall and your wheel will atomatically hit the wall and you should be sorted. Dan.
  2. A mate on his mates bike, tried a stupidly sized gap to front wheel around 9ft, his front wheel landed on the kurb and he slammed the back end down and his crank snapped clean off in the result of my mate falling clean on his arse. Dan. p.s- i think he is getting echo cranks soon (05 model). Cya all am off bed.
  3. Danny Kearns


    From the album: Trials pics

  4. When will tarty have them ? Dan.
  5. Its allways really quick for me too. Very slow when uploading though. Dan.
  6. Its called a switch dude. Dan.
  7. Speak for yourself about not being able to spell or punctuate. Too much text talk. Got to be a chav. Dan.
  8. I think it would be quiet nice if you shut the f**k up, what is the point of having anybody on your ignore list, i mean really, this is a public forum where as you should read each other's posts and i couldnt give to shits who has me on there ignore lists, just f**king pointless and childish in my opinion, i mean grow up its a forum. As for him being a well like member on this forum, well god help us all, he is about as much use on the forum as a chocolate frying pan. Dan.
  9. They wont fit in the stem which comes on the new t-master, but if you have the stem off the old t-master then it will. Reason being the zoo bars are 31.8, so in order for it to fit you will need a 31.8 size stem. Dan.
  10. When you first start to learn the switch start on about a 1ft high wall and just pedal hop into it and kick on to your front wheel then release your front brake and flick the back end of the bike through. Try and stay on your backwheel it makes the move look sweet. Gap to front wheel will help you to learn the switch, read below: start on your backwheel and pedal kick to some where on the road lets start at say 4ft. Then you kick and go on to your front wheel and realease your front brake and roll through and try and flick the back end through and not just slam it down it will get your practise in for switching. That was the post that got me validated. Dan.
  11. henri lloyd jeans lacoste t-shirt henri lloyd jumper lacoste trainers paul and shark hat or helmet. unbranded socks. Chav, i no but im not i just like to dress smart. Dan.
  12. Still, but he does deserve validation. Dan.
  13. Allways made brakes work wank for some reason, good bleeds in them aswell. Dan.
  14. Xbox 360 has already won it by far, simply because "can anybody match bill gate's wallet" ?. No. Dan.
  15. That was alright for a first that was. Cut out the slowing down effect abit. Good choice of music. Dan.
  16. Coming from yourself it isnt, from your last video you have got the biggest balls street riding has ever seen. Keep up the good work. New street video soon ?? Dan.
  17. Tell me if im wrong but isnt danny butler british champ ? Dan.
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