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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. At the end of the day mate, a hard drive is there to do its job, the make does not really make that much difference, but if your computer is as old as you say, then if you are upgrading you hard drive you are going need to upgrade everything else really, for example, proccesor etc etc. But yeah that should do the job fine. Dan.
  2. Do you have to pay to enter and ride ? Dan.
  3. Anychance i can jump in your car with you dave ? Please. Dan.
  4. Where is Mr.Onzaboymark ? For sale and wanted threads are not allowed in new members chat. Dan. P.s - Normal members can not close topics, only moderators or above can. Dan.
  5. Danny Kearns


    You wont kill your zona, there immensly strong, also the new frames look well nice. My zona will be nicer than all of the new deng frames when its finished though. Dan.
  6. That is infact the nicest python ever, you will see the nicest zona zip in a few days. , Once mine is finished being stripped down and then painted. Dan.
  7. Well done there beau, nice video mate, Quality let the video down alot, editing was slightly out, song went well with the riding. Overall a nice video. Dan.
  8. Very nice description there, But are you sure that is all one sentence , it did not make one bit of sense to me. Before you try giving a massive description, learn how to spell and punctuate. Dan.
  9. Agreed. Disc brakes are not the way forward. Too quiet for my liking. Dan.
  10. Nobody, is probably just going to give out his mobile number over a public forum. Think about it, would you want the whole world knowing yours ? Dan.
  11. The loudest i have ever heard is, by the way this is a 26". Koxx Bloxx greens Very harsh grind Ronnie Rim 04 Magura lever Water bleed. Dan.
  12. Well, i stipped my forks down to bare metal earlier, looks good, was easy enough, just wore some very thick gloves and applied the nitromorse with a paintbrush. I will post pictures if you want a look. Dan. p.s - Frame, stem and bars to come, got buy some bloody caustic soda for the bars though
  13. Thank you, all of you for your help. One last question, will nitromorse work on my zoo bars ? Dan.
  14. Thank you mark Dan. p.s - How many tins of nitromorse do you think it will take ?
  15. So guys, what do i do just fill my bath full of nitromorse and just put my frame in and leave it for 20 mins or apply it by hand with some very thick gloves on ? Dan.
  16. So should i put something like all tape on the bb threads to stop the caustic soda destroying them ? or is tape not good enough ? Dan.
  17. Hi there people, I am going to strip my frame down to bare metal, i have a zona zip and i am going to use either nitromorse or caustic soda, i am not sure which one works on my frame. The other thing is it is a completely bare frame with no bottombracket in and no headset, does it matter if i get either nitromorse or caustic soda in the bb threads ? Cheers. Dan.
  18. Hey dude, My honest opinion would be a "Echo Control 05" or "Adamant A1". I have rode both, they both ride exceptionly nice, the control feels similar to the t-rex, but just stiffer. Dan.
  19. Beast, my favorite TRA video. Dan.
  20. Just right, Thanks alot I am going to have it done like that soon. Dan.
  21. Sorry to be fussy. But could you go over the onza sticker on my forks, so i cannot see it and also the zona on my frame go over that aswell, so it is pure matt black. Dan.
  22. Excuse me i would like that song, i have added you to msn, would you please send it to me. Dan.
  23. Nah, Please could somebody photoshop me the parts i want doing all matt black. Dan.
  24. Hi all, could one of you kind people of this forum photoshop my zona for me. What i want doing is: Frame - Matt Black Forks - Matt Black Stem - Matt Black Bars - Matt black. Zona 1 Many thanks. Dan.
  25. Thats Brett Penfold's rim, very nice, seen it all before, but remember this guy has been on this forum all of an hour, so he is not going to no the news is he. Also have you seen how big the line was what Brett did his rim on. Dan.
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