The thing is, how isnt trials a big sport ? For example, when i went to back cown quarry, shit me there were a load of riders, this was the british rounds by the way, I do not really want to think how many are at the world rounds ? . My point is, look how many trials riders are on this forum, we are all of mixed abillity, which is good, But you think about it, are all skateboarders at the same abilty?........No but that is still one of the biggest sports out there, i am sure if all the companys such as HOD, monty, koxx, onza, etc etc, all put there heads together and all sat down and talked about it they could come up with something, for example DENG, we all know he is mega rich and i am guessing koxx, onza and monty are aswell. So if they all though about it and put some money into it then who knows, we could be big and more popular....... See my point....? Dan.