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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. Texas chainsaw massicre (sp?). just totally wank. Mission impossiable 3 - lets down 1 and 2 The fast and the furious tokyo drift - Such a let down from number 2. Dan.
  2. Agreed, i have been riding just over 2 years now, i dont know if my ability is right for that amount of riding or not, i guess its not when you look at mr watson. :$ Dan.
  3. Here's mine: Looks ace if you ask me. My desktop Dan.
  4. You are very true there stan, he is a beast. Dan.
  5. Danny Kearns


    Right so let me get this straight. Deng has basically built and mod and a stock frame into one ? So there will be no more mod and stock in 2007 in dengs eyes ? Dan. p.s- f**k me im confused. Edit: Also is this a chance for 26" riders to runa profile ?
  6. April sixth - Living a lie. Next time use the bloody search like i had to, to find you new members a song, its not hard. Dan.
  7. Tensile or Eno . To be honest i have never had a tensile or a eno freewheel. But from the amount of times i have had goes on freinds bikes, one has a tensile and one has a eno, none of them feel any different at all. Just keep it cheap and get yourself a tensile Dan.
  8. Go for the zoo or Gu forks, both are ultra strong and both look amazing, not a bad price in my opinion, i would run a pair my self but i just despise disc brakes. All the best choosing your forks. Dan.
  9. Agreed Although i am not getting one, because i am in love with my zona. When the zona caves in then thats my next frame.
  10. Lmfao. Listen up dude, my mate had his 3 weeks and snapped it in two. Reccomendations for the lad looking for a frame, well what bikes have you ridiin so far, in that way i mean for example you mates bikes who either have echo, Gu, Zoo, Monty ? The end of the day mate its personal preference, if you like the look of the zoo python fair enough, but the main thing to consider is if you are comftable on it and can ride it. If you really want my opinion go for the echo team, very nice to look at, they feel awsome to ride and also sit very nice on the back wheel and feels a very secure frame when your bike is built up. Good luck on choosing a frame. Dan.
  11. Hi there people, i was just wondering what sort of paper you buy to make stickers, i would like it about a4 size, any links would be greatly appriciated. Many thanks. Dan.
  12. I had the frame dipped in acid so there is no access paint left on it at all, and i have sprayed it myself and it looks awsome so far, i am just going leave it a few days to harden and then apply may laquer and post it up on here for you people to see. Many thanks. Dan.
  13. lmao. What planet does this guy come from ? Dan.
  14. Hello there, when i have finished spraying my bike and i have let the paint harden, will it scratch of really easily if i dont put some clear laquer on ? Dan.
  15. Been there done that, got the the picture, its a no no, plazmatic crms on a grind is the brake you want. Dan.
  16. Agree with you very strongly there mark. Dan.
  17. Avid bb7 or Avid juicy 7 . Say no more. Dan.
  18. The thing is, how isnt trials a big sport ? For example, when i went to back cown quarry, shit me there were a load of riders, this was the british rounds by the way, I do not really want to think how many are at the world rounds ? . My point is, look how many trials riders are on this forum, we are all of mixed abillity, which is good, But you think about it, are all skateboarders at the same abilty?........No but that is still one of the biggest sports out there, i am sure if all the companys such as HOD, monty, koxx, onza, etc etc, all put there heads together and all sat down and talked about it they could come up with something, for example DENG, we all know he is mega rich and i am guessing koxx, onza and monty are aswell. So if they all though about it and put some money into it then who knows, we could be big and more popular....... See my point....? Dan.
  19. I have a few, will upload later. Please could you tell me which one's you already have. Dan.
  20. I paid £3.49 for one of them, from focus diy. Dan.
  21. Jim i think i have 6, not sure though. If anybody has any just put em on tv.isg.si or sommat. Dan.
  22. Is that how much powder coating costs or did you just get it cheap, i mean does like everywhere do it around that price ? Dan.
  23. Fair enough, please could you tell me where you got your frame and forks powder coated for £20, also i would like a website if possiable. Dan.
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