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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. I will but it depends how far it is from newquay ? Dan.
  2. Well seen as you say 10 miles, are there any train services around there so that we can catch trains to ride each others area's and meet up with each other at different spots ? Dan.
  3. Maxxis Minions 42a dual ply are the way forward. Dan.
  4. I would say none anodized. Dan.
  5. Media studies, photography, video/film editing. Basically i am going into the "media" part, firstly i am off collage, then its probably off to university, but meh who cares, there's lots of cash in it, but not alot of riding time i suppose. Dan.
  6. Your a helpfull chap. See if you can tax me a bb tool and i will give you my adress and you can send it me. Dan.
  7. Sounds to me as if somebodys abit of a spoilt bratt. Anyways geeza, welcome to the site dude, get yourself a vidoe posted up and we can see what your ridings like. Ill add you on msn if youre feeling lonely. Dan.
  8. The new adamant cranks, ohhhh there so sexual, well there my next cranks once my tensile's die. Dan.
  9. Could of fooled me biff. Dan.
  10. Is he running a smooth rim and magura black pads with absolutly no tar by anychance ? Dan.
  11. Mines got maxxis innertubes Dan. Lets see your bike then.
  12. Haha smell your mum is yours nicer. Dan.
  13. To be honest people i dont think the pictures do it justice, i will get some higher quality pictures and then post them up and see what you think. Dan.
  14. Yeah its a reflection off the light. Dan.
  15. Im going newquay on the 19th of this month for a week, if newquay is anywhere near where any of you are staying then we can meet up . Dan.
  16. All comments welcome. Zip Picture 1 Zip Picture 2 Nice 1 boys. Dan.
  17. Yes, just your front end would be "super" high. Dan.
  18. Oh your such a gentleman helping these newbie's out. Yeah just click the box at the top (the one with the tick and sets abc). Nice 1. Dan.
  19. Ahhhh yes nath, but.....who got it first ? lmfao. Dan.
  20. Right i am not 100% sure if we have one of these so i will start one. Prison Break. say no more. Dan.
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